2015 Wine-Tasting Photos
25th Annual Wine Tasting Gala and Auction, January 2015
Welcome to the 25th Annual Wine Tasting Gala and Auction! Millett Hall, January 24, 2015
Jack Keegan with Libby Swofford.
Jack received an award, designed by Libby Swofford, in recognition of his dedication to the event.
Dr. and Mrs. Gil Gordon with Libby Swofford.
Gil and Joyce received an award, designed by Libby Swofford, in recognition of their dedication to the event and the Special Pre-event Tasting.
Amy Elliott, owner of Kona Bistro, and friends.
Scott Walter, PAS advisory board vice president, and his wife, Jen, with donors Craig and Kerstin Erickson.
A group shot of the Oxford Young Professionals.
Todd Leshner is a Miami University alum and provides a generous wine selection each year for the event.
Mike and Linda Curme, donor of the beer for the Beer Raffle, with winner Adrienne Bader.
Heather Kogge, PAS advisory board member and CCA Director of Development, with husband, John.
A Toast!
Thank you to all who came!