Meet the 2022 SOUL Team
Student orientation undergraduate leaders (SOULs) are the core of orientation programs for new Miami students. SOULs are informed, resourceful guides who assist incoming students and their families throughout the fall semester orientation process.
During on-campus orientation programs in June, SOULs will promote campus knowledge and community, and mentor members of the class of 2026. They will lead several small group meetings with new students, where they’ll talk about getting involved, campus resources, and lead a puzzle box challenge about life on campus.
Jersie Thomas was selected as one of 22 SOULs for the 2022 orientation process and is eager to welcome new students. “I'm most excited for the opportunities to meet new students and families at orientation! I hope I can establish a SOULful relationship with every student I meet, and provide an encouraging environment.”
SOUL candidates are selected to represent the student body and help new students transition to college. Many SOULs apply for the position to gain leadership and work experience and grow personally and professionally through working with a diverse team of peers and mentors.
After serving as a SOUL last year and facilitating orientation initiatives online, Simon DeBruin is eager to meet new students on campus in his return to the position. “I am extremely excited to be able to talk to people face-to-face and am thrilled to get the chance to hear about some of the paths students take before coming to Miami.”
Thomas and DeBruin aren’t the only ones looking forward to orientation programs this year. “I’m eager for new students and their families to interact with this year’s SOUL team,” added Liz Walsh, director of orientation and transition programs. “The team is motivated, thoughtful, and eager to support new students in making the most of their Miami experience.”
Many staff and faculty around campus will share knowledge and information with our newest Miamians, but the SOULs put the information into perspective for new students by sharing their own stories.
“Having the opportunity to share snippets of my own Miami experience is something I truly value, and I hope my stories can help make Miami feel less abstract and more like a place that can be called home,” said DeBruin.