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The Miller Center for Student Disability Services

With a strong conviction that disability is an important aspects of our campus community, the Miller Center for Student Disability Services (SDS) is passionate about fostering an inclusive and equitable experience for Miami students with disabilities. We partner with disabled students and the campus community to develop individualized access plans, provide education opportunities, and implement strategic initiatives to promote disability understanding at Miami.

Quick Links

Female student working in a cubicle

Student Tools

Apply for services, understand documentation guidelines, manage existing accommodations, and support your transition to college. Our mission is to ensure an accessible academic and personal experience during your time at Miami University, and we are dedicated to partnering with you.

student taking an exam in a private room

Accommodations and Services

Explore accommodations and services designed to facilitate your access at Miami. Learn about accommodations for testing, classroom access, housing, dining, and more. Reasonable accommodations are identified based on student need and are determined during an access consultation.

Four students sitting at a table working on an art project

Student Resources

We connect students with disabilities to a variety of resources and learning support services. We work closely with Miami's Rinella Learning Center to support your academic endeavors and partner with Ohio College2Careers to assist your successful transition to career and adult life. You can also get involved with the Students with Disabilities Advisory Council, an organization that focuses on the interests of Miami students with disabilities.

A faculty member being waited on in the Disability Services lobby

Faculty Tools

Access information and resources to support the needs of your students with disabilities, including SDS procedures and best practices for the accommodation and inclusion of Miami students with disabilities. We look forward to working with you to create a welcoming and accessible classroom and campus environment.

Get Involved

The Students with Disabilities Advisory Council (SDAC) is a group of students who identify as having a disability and are passionate about bettering the experience of people with disabilities at Miami. SDAC serves as the leading voice for students with disabilities at Miami. They aim to increase awareness of and support for the disability community on campus. They plan events for current and prospective Miami students, faculty members, and the disability community at large.

Gathering of The Students with Disabilities Advisory Council at Shriver Center
Aerial View of the Oxford Campus
Contact Us

The Miller Center for Student Disability Services

304 Shriver Center
701 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056