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Academic Advising Schedule Appointment

The Regional Academic Advising office is available to assist students with advising and registration needs. We offer appointments in person on both Middletown and Hamilton campuses, and appointments conducted by Zoom or over the phone. We are usually able to schedule appointments outside of usual business hours.

Professional and Faculty Advisors

Miami University employs both professional academic advisors and faculty advisors to help students achieve their educational goals.

Professional Advisors

Professional advisors work with new students at Orientation and help them to register for their first semester's classes. They also help undecided students register for classes and assist all students in completing academic and Miami Plan petitions. Professional academic advisors can also help students with selecting a major and exploring career options.

Faculty Advisors

Faculty advisors are assigned to students at Miami when they declare a major. If a student changes majors, the faculty advisor assignment will also change. Faculty advisors help students choose classes and concentrations for majors and can assist in finding co-op, internship, and other academic opportunities. They are also excellent resources to discuss after-graduation plans. To find information about faculty advisors in your department, navigate to the specific CLAAS department website.

Which Advisor Should I See?

To find your Academic Advisor, visit the Academic Advisor Information page. If no advisor is listed (for example, you are not currently in classes), please call us at 513-727-3440 or email

Option 1: Faculty Advisor

If you have a declared major, contact your faculty advisor. Faculty Advisors have the best information about major courses, research opportunities and employment options, and they will have the most up-to-date information regarding department course offerings for upcoming semesters.

To find your academic advisor's name and contact information, follow the instructions on the left.

Many faculty advisors do not use Navigate to schedule appointments. Please contact your faculty advisor as directed, by email or phone. Be sure to have a copy of your Degree Audit before you meet with your faculty advisor.

Option 2: Professional Advisor

If you are unsure of your major or cannot connect with your faculty advisor, contact the Regional Office of Academic Advising. Professional Advisors can help students with selecting a major, choosing classes and exploring career options.

Plan Ahead! During peak advising periods (October-November and March-April), you should schedule your advising appointment two or more weeks ahead.

Option 3: On-Call Advisor

If you have a question, contact the Regional Offices of Advising. During the day, we have an on-call advisor who can answer your questions by phone and refer you for an appointment if necessary.

Regionals Academic Advising

Hamilton Campus, Rentschler Hall 2nd Floor
Middletown Campus, Johnston Hall 001