Senate News, August 29, 2022University Senate met on August 29, 2022 in 111 Harrison Hall. Senate heard presentations from Brent Shock, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success; Kara Strass, Director of Miami Tribe Relations and Daryl Baldwin,
Director of Myaamia Center; Nathan French, Senator on Senate Working Groups for this academic year. We heard one item of new business. Scott Sanders, Associate Clinical Professor in Teaching, Curriculum and Educational Inquiry proposed an M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction.
Minutes of the University Senate meeting for April 25, 2022, were approved.
The following items were received on the Consent Calendar:
a) Graduate Council Meeting Minutes 04.05.2022
b) LEC Council Meeting Minutes 05.06.2022
c) Undergraduate Research Committee Annual Report 2021-2022
We concluded the meeting with an update from Provost Mullenix on her 2022-23 goals for Academic Affairs.