Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies fosters the critical and interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and/or indigeneity in an increasingly interconnected world. Students develop a deep understanding of the particular historical, social, cultural, and political experiences of individual racialized groups within and beyond the United States, as well as the relations among them.
What is Critical Race and Ethnic Studies?
Students majoring and minoring in CRES are prepared to enter the workforce as informed citizens in a diverse and challenging society.
The Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) degree program offer a major and minor that provides a strong liberal arts education for students considering admission to graduate or professional schools along with providing the basis for many career opportunities.

- Teacher-Scholar Profiles
Rodney Coates
Global and Intercultural Studies
College of Arts of Science"As a teacher-scholar, I actively engage my students in research, knowledge production, and critical reflection. Miami University encourages excellence in its students and its faculty. It is a place where the teacher-scholar model becomes how we foster critical inquiry and maximize student achievement. At Miami, it is not through indoctrination and memorization, but student engagement and scholarship by which learning is accomplished."

Learning Outcomes
At graduation, we expect that our majors can master the following critical thinking skills providing a strong foundation for the other skill sets learned during your time as a Critical Race and Ethnic Studies major or minor.