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GDC Scholarship Program
The College of Creative Arts’ Interactive Media Studies program awards a scholarship to one of its students to visit the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco from March 19 through March 23 2018.
Miami University named as one of "57 Best Video Game Colleges"
Miami University's Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies (AIMS) was ranked among the "57 Best Video Game Colleges" by SuccessfulStudent.org.
Growing new minors and co-majors in CCA
New minors and co-majors offered in CCA enjoy high enrollment and interdisciplinary opportunities for Miami students.
Oxford Kinetic Festival 'Circus Fracas' April 17
The seventh annual Oxford Kinetics Festival, "Circus Fracas," will be held noon-5 p.m. Sunday, April 17, at Millett Hall. The festival — free and open to all — includes activities for all ages.
for the fourth annual Student Response Exhibition in the Spring of 2017, deadline for entries is Sunday, October 16, 2016
Career immersion trip with CCA Scholars
During the last weekend in February, 2016, the College of Creative Arts Scholars spent an art and career immersion weekend in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Commencement Announcement
The Spring 2016 university commencement will be Saturday, May 14, at 1:30 p.m. in Yager Stadium, rain or shine. Gates to Yager Stadium will open at 10 a.m. and families may enter through the south and west gates.
AIMS Faculty Member, Eric Hodgson, awarded first place at Healthcare Simulation Conference
The 6th Annual Serious Games and Virtual Environments (SG/VE) Arcade and Showcase, held January 17-20 at The 2016 International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) in San Diego, California, the largest and most trusted healthcare simulation conference, awarded first place to Miami University AIMS faculty member, Eric Hodgson.
Summer Study in the Arts Inside NYC
If your student is looking for a way to begin working in the arts in New York City or any large metropolitan area, why not encourage that student to enroll in CCA499/Inside New York in the summer of 2016? There are still spaces available in this class.