Part-Time Educators Program (PEP)
Miami University is known for its teaching and the teaching expertise of its educators. Part-time faculty contribute to upholding the university's stellar teaching reputation. The Part-Time Educators Program (PEP) offers faculty the opportunity to increase their teaching expertise and receive faculty development funds.
How Does the Program Work?
We all have expertise in the subject matter that we teach. But how much of it are students actually learning? This is where the CTE can assist and be especially beneficial to part-time educators. The CTE facilitates programs that model and teach insructional techniques and methods for enhancing the learning process, promotes scholarly teaching methods through programs that build community and collaboration among educators, and maintains a library offering the latest research-based publications on college teaching.
The CTE library, workshops, and seminars are open and available to all faculty/educators without charge. CTE events also provide a great way to meet other faculty on an informal basis.
The Part-Time Educators Program (PEP) offers part-time faculty the opportunity to earn up to $300 in professional development funds in each academic year while improving their teaching. PEP is available to part-time faculty who teach on a semester-to-semester contract. PEP funds can be used at any time during the academic year to purchase items that enhance teaching or for teaching-related travel such as conference expenses. A number of faculty have also combined the funds with grants and funds from other sources to travel to conventions and meetings in their disciplines. Funds must be expended by June 1.
Earn PEP Funds by Attending Instructor Development Seminars.
- Choose seminars from any listings in the CTE News.
- Report your attendance to CTE no later than 15 days after the event date. CTE-sponsored events do not need to be reported.
- A sum of $25 will be added to your PEP account for each seminar you attend. Funds must be used by June 1.
- PEP may be completed annually.
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