Dear Miamians,
As we begin to look ahead to the fall, the promising news about the COVID-19 vaccines is cause for great optimism. As the rollout of the vaccines continues, there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel for this pandemic and we believe all faculty and staff will have the opportunity to be vaccinated by the end of July. We are excited about returning to in-person classes and operations by Fall 2021.
For Oxford undergraduates, we anticipate providing most instruction face-to-face and do not foresee a fully remote option. Students on our Regional campuses will have access to a full complement of in-person classes and activities and access to our nationally ranked online bachelor’s programs. Our graduate students will also have access to newly launched online degree programs in addition to in-person courses and activities.
We remain focused on the health of our campus community and will continue to follow public health guidance while we plan for in-person classes and activities. We will be sharing more information about summer term and fall semester planning over the next several weeks.
As we approach a year since the start of the pandemic, I want to thank you for the efforts you have undertaken to help keep our campuses healthy and safe. I want to thank our faculty for embracing innovative approaches to course delivery, our staff for your dedication and commitment, and our students for your flexibility and adaptability during these challenging times.
We have found ways to thrive and grow during the past year. I am confident that next year will bring abundant opportunities for us to live, work, and learn together in person. Until then, please continue to support each other by staying Healthy Together!
Love and Honor,
Gregory P. Crawford