Stay up-to-date with spring and summer construction projects
Construction on campus and in Oxford will impact travel to and from Miami University this spring and summer.
A portion of South Patterson and East High street will be closed to vehicular traffic.
High Street Safety Improvement and Urban Paving Project
Construction on campus and in Oxford will impact travel to and from Miami University this spring and summer.
The High Street Safety Improvement and Urban Paving Project has begun. This is a joint project between the State of Ohio, the City of Oxford and Miami University.
This project consists of the construction of a raised center median to include plantings and other landscape elements, sidewalk replacement and widening, street and pedestrian lighting, pedestrian crossing enhancements, traffic signal modifications - to include an emergency vehicle preemption system. The project also includes the construction of a bus pull-out to be located on the south side of High Street between Roudebush Hall and Laws Halls on the Oxford campus.
The project will be executed in two phases beginning with a portion of the City’s Urban Paving Project, which is currently underway and expected to be completed by May 7. These phases are described below and reference the attached High St. and Patterson Ave. Closure Map.
Now - Urban Paving Project
The City of Oxford's Urban Paving Project on Patterson Avenue is almost complete. Contractors are working on the replacement of curbs on the south end of Patterson Ave near the Art Museum. This work will continue north, extending to a point between the entrance and exit of Bishop Circle.
May 17 - Aug 13 - High Street Safety Improvement
Beginning on May 17, a portion of South Patterson and East High street will be closed to vehicular traffic. The area to be closed is between Campus Avenue, which runs north-south to High Street to the west and South Patterson, which runs N-S of High Street to the east. A portion of South Patterson will also be closed near High Street.
The adjacent Roudebush and West Cook Field parking lots will also be closed, though a portion of the designated Roudebush parking spots will be relocated to the Edwards Lot. During this street closure, traffic on Bishop Circle will be two-way, entering and exiting through the single southern entrance on Patterson Avenue. Additionally, Irvin Drive will have two-way traffic, with a single entry/exit on Spring Street. High Street pedestrian crossings will be located at the intersection of High Street and Patterson Avenue and at the intersection of High Street and Tallawanda Road.
Sidewalks will remain open along the northern side of High Street. Road crossings from the south side of High Street will be located at High Street and Talawanda Drive. An east-west walkway on the south side of High Street has been created via a detour route.
Additionally, on May 17, asphalt milling and resurfacing work will begin on Patterson Avenue between the Art Museum and Bishop Woods. This work is scheduled to be completed in a two-week period. Please expect single-lane traffic during this time.
During this project local traffic on U.S. 27 will be detoured onto Spring Street and South Campus Avenue. Through traffic on U.S. 27 will be detoured on U.S. 129 to U.S. 732 to West Chestnut St and South Main St.
Traffic detours
During this project, local traffic on U.S. 27 will be detoured onto Spring Street and South Campus Avenue. Through traffic on U.S. 27 will be detoured on U.S. 129 to U.S. 732 to West Chestnut St and South Main St.
Project completion set August
Once the project is complete only eastbound traffic on High Street will have the ability to enter Laws Drive and the Roudebush parking lot. Accordingly, traffic exiting from the Roudebush lot will be required to head east on High Street.
This project will be completed by Aug. 13 at which time all temporary traffic and pedestrian restrictions will end and normal operations will resume.