Miami University and Constructive Dialogue Institute launch Dialogue Facilitation initiative
CDI held its inaugural Student Leader Dialogue Facilitation Certification program at Miami
Miami University and Constructive Dialogue Institute launch Dialogue Facilitation initiative
“We were thrilled to partner with CDI to launch and pilot this innovative initiative,” said Cristina Alcalde, Miami University's Vice President for Transformational and Inclusive Excellence. “As part of a student-centered university that supports students as leaders and their career readiness, the team in Miami’s Office of Transformational and Inclusive Excellence (OTIE) approached this as an opportunity to leverage our expertise and collaborative leadership to better equip student leaders. Moving forward, we are excited to see how our student leaders use this certification to continue to innovate to expand opportunities for their peers.”
More about the certification program and the CDI’s partnership with Miami is available on the CDI’s website.