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2021–22 President's Report

University Advancement soars to its top fundraising year ever

Red and white clusters of balloons floating over MacCracken Hall on Miami's Oxford campus

University Advancement soars to its top fundraising year ever

President's Report

Despite challenges, strong support for scholarships leads the way to a record-breaking year

This story was updated on July 16, 2022, and reflects the final fundraising total for fiscal year 2022.

When it became clear that Miami’s Division of University Advancement was going to exceed its fiscal year fundraising goal of $75 million, the team breathed a sigh of relief. Between the skittish economy and the persistent pandemic, the philanthropy landscape has been anything but certain. Relief turned to excitement when the division surpassed the $75 million mark in April and kept going.

When the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2022, and all the gifts, pledges, and grants were counted, the total fundraising for fiscal year 2022 stood at more than $98.7 million, setting a new record as the top fundraising year in Miami’s history.

For Brad Bundy, newly appointed vice president for University Advancement, this outstanding performance is personal – and not just because it happened under his new leadership. But because it happened at a time when fundraising is critical to helping the university realize its plans for the future, which include making a Miami education accessible for more students.

“I’m the father of four Miami alums, so I know firsthand the value of a Miami education. I also know that for many deserving students, college is increasingly out of reach,” Bundy said. “Scholarships help make college a possibility for students who may need extra support. Thanks to the generosity of the Miami community and the commitment of our team to the mission of the university, more students will have that opportunity as a result of this year’s fundraising success.”

FY22 Fundraising by the numbers

University Advancement raised more than $98.7 million in new gifts and pledges from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022*, surpassing its record year of $98.5 million in FY17. Scholarship fundraising totaled $46.8 million, including one of the largest individual gifts in the university’s history. Scholarship fundraising accounted for nearly half of this year’s total, exceeding the goal of $24 million.

The Miami community also contributed to academic support and capital projects, which will enable the university to innovate and invest in new programs, technology, and endowments that ensure Miami continues to attract the best and brightest students and faculty.

This year university advancement received $45.5 million in cash gifts, which exceeded the goal of $30 million.

FY22 fundraising total
Goal exceeded

Scholarship fundraising total
Goal exceeded

Cash received total
Goal exceeded

Looking toward the future

Even though this fiscal year may hold many of the same challenges, Bundy remains confident in the sturdy heartedness of Miamians. In addition to a record-breaking fundraising year, FY22 also marked a return to normal alumni engagement levels. Miamians turned out in pre-COVID numbers for events such as MIAMI WOMEN initiatives Hawk Tank and Leadership Symposium, Alumni Weekend, and Grandparents College.

Bundy sees momentum building as the university heads toward the launch of its most ambitious fundraising campaign to date. Later this fall, Miami will announce a new comprehensive fundraising campaign with a financial goal that reflects the university’s forward-looking, transformational strategic plan.

“President Crawford has set a bold vision for the university and the role of philanthropy in contributing to that vision.” Bundy said. “Our donors’ response has been tremendous, even in the face of headwinds – this year gives us a big push in the right direction.”

*Includes $12,078,876 in approved campaign fundraising exceptions to Council for Advancement and Support of Education guidelines.

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