Alan F. Strautman
Ph.D. Biological Sciences, Purdue University (1989)
B.S. Zoology, Miami University (1983)
Biographical Information
I have a breadth of biological subject area teaching experience employing multiple modes of delivery including classroom, laboratory and online education.
I have administrative experience developing new programs and courses including learning outcomes, assessments and benchmarking. I have taught at private colleges, state universities and for-profit institutions in many states.
Research Interests
- Public Health
- Roles of the Human Microbiome and Disease
- College Biology Education
(Note: instructional faculty - not accepting graduate students)
My area of research involved the use of fluorescent probes of intracellular ionic concentrations (Ca++, H+, etc.) and how changes in these concentrations affect cellular signals. I used fluorescent microscopy to study central nervous system cells in intact organ culture and dissociated cell cultures. I described the changes in ionic concentrations following neuronal injury and the effects of prospective neuroprotective drugs. I also researched fertilization responses in different types of eggs.
Because I taught Anatomy and Physiology to pre-health professionals for many years it has shifted my interest to human disease processes. My recent association with the Microbiology Department, has provided me with new insights into the influences of the microbiome in health and disease. I have a growing interest in how the balance of microbes inside and outside of our bodies play such a significant role in healthy human physiology.
My primary role in the Department of Microbiology is teaching undergraduate students. Currently, I teach Global Miami Plan Foundation courses for non-majors (MBI 111, MBI 123, MBI 131). In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I serve as a summer orientation advisor for students majoring in Microbiology, Public Health and pre-health professions. Within my department, I serve as a faculty advisor for the Microbiology Club.
Selected Publications
- Kostoryz EL, Tong PY, Strautman AF, Glaros AG, Eick JD, Yourtee DM. 2001. Effects of dental resins on TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 expression in endothelial cells. J. Dent. Res., 80(9): 1789-92.
- Smith GR, Dilts JA, Gabrielson PW, Heruth DP, Rettig JE, Strautman AF. 1999. Using laptops in the biology classroom and laboratory. Bioscene, 25(3) 11-12.
- Hudson SE, Brown DP, Beatty DM, Cronwell BM, Strautman AF, Morris SJ. 1997. Calcium channel characterization of AtT20 cells transfected with dopamine D2S receptor shows inhibition of a Q-Type channel. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 23.
- Strautman AF, Scherch HM, VonVoigtlander PF. 1994. Modification of kainate-induced increases in intracellular free calcium and their relationship to delayed toxicity in cerebellar granule cell cultures. Biophysical Journal, Vol. 66 (2): A436.
- Strautman AF, Althaus JS, VonVoigtlander PF. 1993. Correlating changes in intracellular free calcium concentration with excitotoxicity at a single cell level. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., Vol. 19.
- Strautman AF, Larabell C, Yim D, Nuccitelli RL. 1991. How does the sperm activate the frog egg? West Coast Regional Developmental Biology Conference, Lake Arrowhead, CA (Platform Presentation).
- Strautman AF, Cork JC, Robinson KR. 1990. The distribution of calcium in transected spinal axons. J. Neuroscience, Vol. 10 (11): 3564-3575.
- Cork RJ, Strautman AF, and Robinson KR. 1989. Measuring cytoplasmic calcium: A review of three methods with emphasis on the practical aspects of their use. Biological Bulletin, Vol. 176(S): 25-30.