Carolyn Haynes
I oversee undergraduate curricular processes and coordinate all major strategic academic initiatives including Boldly Creative, Academic Program Evaluation, Improvement and Prioritization, Miami Academic Incubator Program, and MiamiRISE. I also serve as Miami’s representative with the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s academic initiatives (e.g., Ohio Transfer 36, Transfer Assurance Guides, Guaranteed Pathways, and Affordability and Efficiency Reporting). I am the Accreditation Liaison Officer with the Higher Learning Commission and oversee Miami’s accreditation processes. Additionally, I coordinate undergraduate academic program and course approval, assessment of student learning outcomes processes, the Department Planning & Improvement (DPI) process (formerly known as academic program review), undergraduate academic policy, review of departmental and divisional governance documents, and development of postsecondary academic partnerships (articulation and transfer agreements). I also chair the Academic Space Utilization Subcommittee, serve on the Space Utilization Group, and serve on the Athletic Appeals Committee. Reporting lines include Office of Liberal Education,and Howe Center for Writing Excellence.
Research Interests
- Interdisciplinary education
Courses Taught
- HON 200 Honors Book Club
- HON 201 Honors Film Club
- PhD, Comparative Literature, University of California, San Diego
- Haynes, C. (2011). “Overcoming the Study Abroad Hype.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 12(1).
- Haynes, C. and Brown Leonard, J. B. (2010, September/October). “From Surprise Parties to Mapmaking: Undergraduate Journeys toward Interdisciplinary Understanding.” The Journal of Higher Education, 81(5), 645-666.
- Bates, B. J. and Haynes, C. (2010, Spring/Summer). “Bridging the Jock-Geek Culture War.” Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, 11(1), 29-32.
- Haynes, C. and S. Watson. “Preparing liberal arts faculty to teach writing: A contextual-developmental model of faculty development.” In J. Castner Post and J.A. Inman (Eds.), Compostion[s] in the new liberal arts. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2010.
- Hodge, D. C., Baxter Magolda, M. B., and Haynes, C. A. (2009, Fall). “Engaged Learning: Enabling Self-Authorship and Effective Practice.” Liberal Education, 95(4), 16-23.
- Boix-Mansilla, V., Dawes Duraisingh, L. Wolfe, C.R., Haynes, C.A. (2009). “Targeted Assessment Rubric: An empirically grounded rubric for interdisciplinary writing.” The Journal of Higher Education, 80, 334-353.
- Taylor, K.B. and Haynes, C.A. (November/December 2008). “Creating a Campus-Wide Framework for Student Learning,” About Campus, 13(5).
- Haynes, Carolyn. Divine Destiny: Gender and Race in Nineteenth-Century Protestantism. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 1998.
- Haynes, Carolyn, ed. Innovations in Interdisciplinary Teaching. Westport, CT: Oryx/Greenwood Press, 2002.
Work in Progress
I am a full-time administrator but try to take time to create national presentations on best curricular practices at Miami University.