Associate Professor
German, Russian, Asian, and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Haosheng Yang
- Ph.D. - Harvard University, East Asian Languages, and Civilizations
- M.A. & B.A. - Peking University, Beijing, China, Chinese Language and Literature
Teaching and Research Interests
- Modern and contemporary Chinese literature & culture
Courses Taught
- Chinese language of all levels
- CHI 252: Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
- CHI/FST 264: Chinese Cinema and Culture
- CHI 261: Forbidden Romance in Modern Chinese Culture
Selected Publications
- A Modernity Set to a Pre-Modern Tune: Classical-Style Poetry of Modern Chinese Writers, Brill Publishers, 2016.
- “The Modernity of a Person Infatuated with Skeleton: Yu Dafu’s Loyalist Consciousness and Classical-Style Poetry” (骸骨迷恋者的现代性: 郁达夫的遗民情结和旧体诗), in From Tradition to Modernity: Poetic Transition from 18th to Early 20th Century China (从传统到现代的中国诗学), edited by Lin Zongzheng and Zhang Bowei, Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2017, 529-550.
- “Who Am I? Identity, Resistance, and Resilience in the Classical-Style Poetry of Nie Gannu,” in Journals of Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol.3, No.2, 2017, 335-356.
- “Infatuation with Skeleton: Yu Dafu’s Accidental Loyalism and Classical-Style Poetry,” in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2014, 158-184.
- “New Voice in Old Form: Historicity and Modernity in Lu Xun’s Classical-Style Poetry” (舊體心聲: 魯迅舊體詩的歷史感和現代性), in From Mara Poet to Nobel Laureat: Literature, Canonicity, and Modernity (從摩羅到諾貝爾:文學, 經典, 現代意識), edited by Gao Jiaqian and Zheng Yuyu, Taipei: Maitian chubanshe, 2014, 113-123.
- “Myths of Revolution and Sensual Revisions: New Representation of Martyrs on the Chinese Screen,” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2012, 179-208.
- “The Political Lyricism of Romantic Poet Guo Moruo (浪漫主义诗人郭沫若的政治抒情), in Lyrical Tradition and the Reform Era (抒情传统与维新时代), edited by Shengqing Wu and Gao Jiaqian, Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 2012, 555-580.
Professional Organization Memberships
- Member of the Association for Asian Studies
- Member of the American Oriental Society
- Member of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language
- Member of the Chinese Language Teachers Association
- Member of the Chinese Historian Society of America
- Chinese (native)
- English (near-native)