Heidi McKee
Heidi McKee’s teaching and research interests include professional writing with an emphasis on digital rhetoric and writing for the public with community partnerships. She also specializes in research methods, methodologies and ethics and for the past 6 years she has been studying artificial intelligence and writing.
- Ph.D. English Composition and Rhetoric, University of Massachusetts Amherst (2005)
- M.A. English, University of Wyoming (2000)
- B.A. English, Yale University (1992)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Professional Writing
- Business Communication
- Digital Writing & Writing with AI
- Research Methods & Ethics
- Writing Pedagogy
- Writing Program Administration
Courses Taught
- ENG/IMS 224 Professional Communication and Digital Rhetoric
- ENG 310B: Professional Writing for Healthcare
- ENG 316 Legal Writing
- ENG 413/513 Grant Writing
- ENG 415 Capstone in Professional Writing
- ENG/IMS 407/507 Interactive Business Communication
- ENG 735 Graduate Research Methods
Publications (Selected, See CV for Complete List)
- McKee, Heidi A., and James E. Porter. Professional Communication and Network Interaction: A Rhetorical and Ethical Approach. New York: Routledge, 2017.
- McKee, Heidi A., and James E. Porter. The Ethics of Internet Research: A Rhetorical, Case-based Approach. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
- McKee, Heidi A., and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, eds. Digital Writing Assessment and Evaluation. Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press, 2013. http://ccdigitalpress.org/dwae. Editors’ preface: http://ccdigitalpress.org/dwae/intro.html
- DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole, Heidi A. McKee, and Richard Selfe, eds. Technological Ecologies and Sustainability. Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press, 2009. http://ccdigitalpress.org/tes
- McKee, Heidi A., and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, eds. Digital Writing Research: Technologies, Methodologies, and Ethical issues. Cresskill: Hampton Press, 2007. [Winner of the 2008 Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award for the best book in the field.]
Articles & Chapters
- Bedington, Andelyn, Halcomb, Emma F., McKee, Heidi A., Sargant, Thomas, and Smith, Adler. “Writing with Generative AI and Human-Machine Teaming: Insights and Recommendations from Faculty and Students.” Computers and Composition. Under review.
- McKee, Heidi A. “Professional Writing for Healthcare: Writing & Revising Research Summaries with Artificial Intelligence.” Teaching with Text Generation Technologies, edited by Annette Vee, Tim Laquintano, and Carly Schnitzler, WAC Clearinghouse. 2023. https://wac.colostate.edu/
repository/collections/ textgened/professional- writing/professional-writing- for-healthcare/ - McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. “Team Roles & Rhetorical Intelligence in Human-Machine Writing.” 2022 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm), Limerick, Ireland, 2022, pp. 384-391, doi: 10.1109/ProComm53155.2022.
00078. - McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. “Intertext: Writing Machines and Rhetoric.” Writing Futures: Collaborative, Algorithmic, Autonomous, edited by Ann Hill Duin and Isabel Pedersen, Springer, 2021: 47-52.
- McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. “Ethics for AI Writing: The Importance of Rhetorical Context.” AIES '20: Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. February 2020: pp. 110-116. https://doi.org/10.1145/
3375627.3375811 - McKee, Heidi A. “Believe in Yourself and Your Ability to Join Public and Scholarly Conversations.” Explanation Points: Publishing in Rhetoric and Composition, edited by John R. Gallagher and Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Utah State University Press, 2019: pp. 41-44.
- McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. "The impact of AI on Writing and Writing Instruction." Digital Rhetoric Collaborative [invited & reviewed blog], Sweetland Center for Writing, University of Michigan. 2018. http://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2018/04/25/ai-on-writing/
- McKee, Heidi A. “Intercultural Communication and Teamwork: Revising Business Writing for Global Networks.” The Internationalization of U.S. Writing Programs, edited by Irwin Weiser and Shirley Rose, Utah State University Press, 2018: pp. 185-200.
- McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. “Digital Media Ethics and Rhetoric.” The Routledge Companion to Digital Writing & Rhetoric, edited by Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes. Routledge, 2018: pp. 401-411.
- McKee, Heidi A., and Porter, James E. “Corporate Response to Employee Social Media Missteps: A Rhetorical and Ethical Lens.” Ethics for a Digital Age, Volume 2 Eds. Bastiaan Vanacker and Don Heider. Peter Lang, 2018: pp. 51-77.
- Coffey, Kathleen M., Bridget C. Gelms, Cynthia C. Johnson, and Heidi A. McKee. "Consulting with Collaborative Writing Teams." Writing Center Journal 36(1). 2017: pp. 147-182.
- McKee, Heidi A. “Miami University Major in Professional Writing.” Writing Program Architecture: Thirty Cases for Reference and Research. Edited by Bryna Siegel and Jamie White-Farnum. Utah State University Press, 2017, pp. 27-41.
- McKee, Heidi A. "Protecting Net Neutrality and the Infrastructure of Internet Delivery: Considerations for Our Past, Present, and Future." Invited article as part of the collaborative contribution of Beck et. al. "Writing in an Age of Surveillance, Privacy, & Net Neutrality" for the 20th anniversary of Kairos, 20.2 (2016). http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/20.2/topoi/beck-et-al/mckee.html
- McKee, Heidi A. and James E. Porter. "The Ethics of Archival Research." College Composition and Communication 64 (2012): pp. 59-81.
- McKee, Heidi A. "Policy Matters Now and in the Future: Net Neutrality, Corporate Data Mining, and Government Surveillance." Computers and Composition 28 (2011): 276-291. [Selected for and reprinted in Best of Independent Composition and Rhetoric Journals 2012 Parlor Press, 2013.]
Grants and Awards
- Excellence in Career Development Award. Awarded by Miami University to recognize exemplary commitment to the development of professional opportunities for Miami students and graduates. September 2014 and January 2020.
- Teaching Commendation from the Center for Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment (CELTUA). Selected based on recommendations of graduating seniors. 2012, 2013, 2014. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
- Best Article Recognition. "Policy Matters Now and in the Future: Net Neutrality, Corporate Data Mining, and Government Surveillance" selected to be reprinted in Best of Independent Composition and Rhetoric Journals 2012 Parlor Press, 2013.
- Outstanding Professor Award. Selected by undergraduate students for this campus award given by the Associated Student Government and Campus Activities to professors who have shown excellence in teaching by "valuing undergraduate research, using innovative teaching methods and engaging the community through active involvement with student organizations." Spring 2011.
- U.S. Professor of the Year Nominee. Nominated by the Provost as the one faculty member to represent Miami in this national competition. 2010.
- Computers and Composition Distinguished Book Award for best book in the field in 2007. June 2008.
- Assigned Research Appointment. College of Arts and Science. Miami University. Fall 2008; Spring 2016
Work in Progress
Heidi McKee's research continues to focus on human-machine teaming and the rhetorics of AI writing. With four students, she has a manuscript under review.
Bedington, Andelyn, Halcomb, Emma F., McKee, Heidi A., Sargant, Thomas, and Smith, Adler. “Writing with Generative AI and Human-Machine Teaming: Insights and Recommendations from Faculty and Students.” Computers and Composition. Under review.