Associate Professor
Dr. Christopher Howell
Contact Info
Program Director
Dr. Christopher Howell is an Associate Professor and Program Director for the Physician Associate program. He has held several positions in clinical practice, education and leadership over the last twenty years. During his time in the military, he had the privilege of being a site director for clinical placement and education for physician assistant education, adjunct clinical professor, and healthcare administrator. Following his fellowship, he began to focus more on emergency medicine and critical care, point-of-care ultrasound, clinical research, and PA education.
Following retirement from military service, Dr. Howell received an appointment as an Associate Professor at a graduate physician assistant studies program in Dayton, Ohio. In that capacity he emphasized education in critical care, emergency medicine, addiction and developing research programs. He remained in that role until his appointment as Program Director at Miami University, a privilege he’s had since 2020.
Education and Training:
- DSc Baylor University - Physician Assistant Studies (2012)
- MSc Air University, Air Command and Staff College - Military Operations (Arts and Science) (2017)
- MPAS University of Nebraska - Physician Assistant Studies (2006)
- MBA Southern Nazarene University - Business Administration (2004)
- BSc University of Nebraska - Physician Assistant Studies (2005)
- BSc Southern Nazarene University - Organizational Leadership (2002)
- AAS Community College of the Air Force - Allied Health Science (2002)
Residency/Fellowship and Clinical Practice Experience:
- Ultrasound Leadership Academy - Ultrasound
- San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) - Emergency Medicine
Practice Experience:
- Internal medicine - Tinker Air Force Base, OK
- Family Medicine - Tinker Air Force Base, OK; Hanscom Air Force Base, MA
- Emergency Medicine - Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH; Mary Rutan, Ohio; Good Samaritan North (Closed); OH
- Emergency Medicine and Trauma - Bagram Air Field, Afghanistan
- Addiction Medicine - North Dayton Addiction and Recovery, OH; East Indiana Recovery, IN
- Advanced Trauma Life Support
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support Instructor
- Basic Life Support Instructor
- Medication Assisted Treatment (X-Waiver)
License History:
Ohio, Indiana, Texas (inactive), Oklahoma (inactive)
Research, Scholarship Interests, Professional:
Interests include, quality improvement in education and health delivery, novel uses of therapeutics, trauma, emergency medicine, and addiction.
“Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Ticking Time Bomb”, Journal American Academy of Physician Assistants. Review Article, Vol. 29, Number 3, pp. 32-36 March 2016. Primary Author
“Stepping Outside the Box: An Adolescent With New-Onset Seizure”, Pediatric Emergency Care. Case Study. 29(9):1011-1012, September 2013. Primary Author.
“Fitz-Hugh Curtis: PID’s Harsh Distant Relative”, Towner-Schafer Report: Publication of Society of Air Force Physician Assistants. Published, 2013. Primary Author
“Chest Discomfort in a Cancer Patient”. Journal American Academy of Physician Assistants. Case Study. Vol. 8, Issue 6, pp. 43-46, June 2015. Co-Author
“Scleroderma Renal Crisis, A Review Article”, Consultant, Vol. 56, Issue 1, pp. 46-51 January 2016. Primary Author
“Unexploded Ordinance in an Expectant Patient: A Case Report”. Military Medicine, 2016, March; 181 (3):e302-5. Doi:10.7205/MILMED-D-15-00213. Case Study. Primary Author
“Sudden Chest Pain Following an Asthma Attack: A Case Report”. Emergency Medicine Journal. Case Study. May 1, 2015, Vol 32, Number 5. Primary Author.
Case Report: “Asystole Following Nitroglycerin”. Submitted to Journal of Emergency Medicine, published August 2018, p. 149-154. Co-Author.
“Alternative Medicine and Wound Care.” Submitted to Clinical Advisor, published October 2018. Co-Author
“Fournier’s Gangrene: A Rare Flesh-Eating Soft Tissue Infection”. Submitted to Clinical Advisor. Accepted and Published, June 2019. Co-Author.
“End-Stage Renal Disease, Hyperkalemia, and Dialysis”, Emergency Medicine Reports, June 20, 2019, Co-Author.
“Sickle Cell Disease, Current and Future Treatments: Review Article”. Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, published ,32(9), September 2019, 1-5. Co-Author
“Heterotopic Pregnancy: Review Article”. Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants; published: Volume 33, Issue 3, March 2020. P. 35-38, Co-Author
“A Case of Glycogen Storage Disease: A Case Review”. Submitted to the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, published Volume 33, Number 4, April 2020-web. Co-Author.
“Case Review of Third-Degree Heart Block”. Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, published Volume 33, Number 4, April 2020, p. 54. Co-Author.
“Pulmonary Hypertension: A Review Article”. Published in Towner-Schafer Report: Publication of Society of Air Force Physician Assistant, posted Fall 2019. Co-Author
“Recognizing and Managing Upper Extremity Compartment Syndrome”, Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, Vol. 33, Number 5, May 2020, p. 15-20, Co-Author
“Medical Cannabis for Pain Management: Is It time to Modify the Practice Paradigm”, Submitted to Clinical Advisor, published December 9, 2020. Primary Author.
“Pityriasis Lichenoides Chronica: A Review Article”. Submitted to Clinical Advisor, accepted and pending publication. Co-Author.
“Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review of Targeted Temperature Management Research”. Submitted to Clinical Advisor. Accepted, pending publication. Co-Author
“Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Review Article”, Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, accepted and pending publication. Co-Author
“The Substance Risk of Healthcare: Substance Abuse and Treatment in the Medical Population”, Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, accepted, pending publication. Primary Author
“Case Report: Can untreated Pre-Eclampsia Lead to Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy?”, Submitted to the Journal of American Academy of Physician Assistants, accepted, pending publication. Co-Author
Research (graduate education and principal investigator):
“Disease and Non-Battle Injury Treatment at an Enhanced Battalion Aid Station: Retrospective Observation Study”. Required Doctoral Research/Baylor University records.
“Seasonal Viral Illness in the Military: Mandatory Treatment and Quarantine as a Means of Force Protection”. Required Master Thesis, Air Command and Staff College. ACSC records.
“The Goals of the Students and the Institution”: A Novel Descriptive Study of the Reasons for Students Selection of the School and Career of Medicine. Principal Investigator and Author (Unpublished).
“High Fidelity Clinical Simulation and Outcomes”. A Novel Study Comparing Students Perception of Confidence and All Performance: Clinically, Logistically and Socially. Principal Investigator and Author, submitted to PAEA: Currently under review.
“Novice Assessments and Ultrasound Study: A Pragmatic Study of Precision and Accuracy of Decision Instruments by Novice Clinician Students”. A Novel study comparing the Performance of Cardiac Disease Identification by Physician Assistant Students. Principal Investigator and Author, Submitted to PAEA: Pending Publication
“Disease and Non-Battle Injury: Retrospective Analysis of Camp Eagle”. Society of Air Force Physician Assistants, 2012. Targeted Audience for Discussion: All Military Medical Providers. Novel research study. Primary Researcher and Speaker.
“Recognition and Management of Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury”. Society of Air Force Physician Assistants, 2018. Targeted Audience for Discussion: Deployed Military. Medical Review. Presenter/Speaker.
“DVT Management”. Society of Air Force Physician Assistants, 2019. Targeted Audience for Discussion: General Medicine and Emergency Medicine Clinicians. Presenter/Speaker.
“Update: Management of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia”. Society of Air Force Physician Assistants, 2019. Targeted Audience for Discussion: General and Family Medicine Clinicians. Presenter/Speaker.
“Update: Management of Diabetes”. Society of Air Force Physician Assistants, 2020. Targeted Audience for Discussion: General and Family Medicine Clinicians. Presenter/Speaker
“Biological and Chemical Weaponry [the role of] Domestic Medicine”. Ohio Association of Physician Assistants (OAPA), 2020. Target Audience Discussion: General Medicine Clinicians. Speaker/Presenter
“Rural Medicine”. Ohio Association of Physician Assistants (OAPA), 2021. Target Audience Discussion: General Medicine Clinicians. Speaker/Presenter