Karthik Vishwanath
My research group works on developing optical techniques that non-invasively probe the structure, function and/or organization of macro-scale, complex, biological media. We are motivated specifically in building instruments and techniques that can advance clinical sensing of intact, living biological tissue in real-time. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and integrates experimental optical techniques with rigorous theoretical and computational approaches to provide objective, quantitative and dynamic information about the (bio)physical nature of the system being investigated. We are also particularly interested in ultimately keeping the cost of developed optical devices low so that they may be useful in ambulatory and/or low-resource settings. Projects in the group range from laboratory-based proof-of-concept studies all the way through practical applications of constructed devices in clinical or translational research studies.
Currently, we have ongoing collaborative research studies with faculty across several departments at Miami (including Physics, Biomedical Engineering and Psychology) as well as with faculty at the University of Michigan and the School of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati.
- There are always (interdisciplinary) research opportunities for motivated and interested undergraduate students. Past and current students have ranged from freshmen through seniors. Currently, there are also openings for graduate student(s) interested in pursuing a MS research thesis within my group. Specific projects include:
Development of new and novel optical instrumentation to improve the range and capability of optical sensing in scattering media. - Advancing theoretical and/or computational approaches to determine limits of detection and improve sensitivity of existing experimental methods.
- Exploring specific applications of optical sensing in preclinical (animal) or clinical (human) studies.
Interested students please send an email stating your interests along with a brief resume.
- Joined Miami in 2014
- Ph.D. Applied Physics, University of Michigan (2005)
- M.S. Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College (2003)
- B.Sc. Physics, St. Joseph's College of Arts and Science (1997)