Kenneth Wireback
Teaching and Research Interests
Courses Taught at Miami
- POR 111:Accelerated Elementary Portuguese
- POR 211:Intermediate Portuguese
- POR 277:Intermediate Portuguese (Independent Study)
- POR 377: Introduction to Portuguese language and Linguistics (Independent Study)
- SPN 311:Grammar Review and Introductory Composition
- SPN 312:Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
- SPN 381: Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture I
- SPN 382: Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture II
- SPN 412: Hispanic Language and Culture
- SPN 440: (Selected Topics in Spanish Language and Culture)
- The Caribbean: A Linguistic Perspective
- Spanish Translation: Theory and Practice
- Multilingual Spain
- The Spanish Language Today
- SPN 443/543:Applied Spanish Linguistics
- SPN 481/581 (formerly 443/543)Spanish Phonology and Syntax
- SPN 482/582 (formerly 444/544)Spanish Dialectology
- SPN 483/583 (formerly 445/545)History of the Spanish Language
- SPN 600 (Graduate Seminars)
- Spanish Morphology
- Multilingual Spain
Grants and Awards
- 2011-2012. Howe Center Grant for Improvement of Writing in SPN 311, with Katie Fowler-Cordova
- 1997-1998. Arts and Sciences Small Research Grant, $500, for hiring a Spanishspeaking informant in order to collect data for the "Spanish Verb Dictionary"
- 1995-1996. Small Grant to Improve Teaching, OAST, $300
- 1994-1995. Arts and Sciences Alumni Travel Grant, $500
- 1994-1995.Small Grant to Improve Teaching, OAST, $300
Selected Publications
- 1997 The Role of Phonological Structure in Sound Change from Latin to Spanish and Portuguese. New York: Peter Lang
- 2010. "On the Palatalization of Latin -GN- in Western and Halo-Romance."Romance Philology64 (Fall 2010), Special issue, in memoriam Ray Harris-Northall.
- 2010 "A Reexamination of the Palatalization of Latin /kt/ in the light of Phonetic Research," in Daniel Recasens, Fernando Sanchez Miret, and Kenneth J. Wireback, eds.Experimental Phonetics and Sound Change. Munich: Lincom. 99-114.
- 2009. "On Palatalization and the Origin ofYod in Western Romance."Romance Quarterly56 .1: 55-67.
- 2007. "Vocalization of /kl or Anticipatory Epenthesis? Glide Formation and Consonant-Based Palatalization in the Western and Halo-Romance Development of Latin /ks/ and /kt/".Romanische Forschungen119: 3-37.
- 2005. "On Consonant+ Consonant Metathesis in the History of Spanish." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies82.2: 137-158.
- 2005. "Y od sin palatalizaci6n, palatalizaci6n sin yod: La interacci6n de la palatalizaci6n, la geminaci6n, y la formaci6n de yod en el desarrollo de /ks/ en el romance occidental."Zeitschrift far romanische Philologie121.3: 381-404.
- 2005. "Metathesis."Encyclopedia of Linguistics. London: Routledge.
- 2003. "From Romance to Linguistics? Should it Matter? "La cor6nica31.2: 115-125.
- 2002 "On the Metathesis of Labial + /j/ in Hispano-Romance."Hispanic Review 70.3: 311-331.
- 2002 "Consonant + Yod Metathesis in Hispano-Romance: The Interaction of Palatalization, Perceptual Uncertainty, and Analogy."Romanische Forschungen114.2: 133-159.
- 2001 "A Gradual Approach to Sibilant+ /j/ Metathesis in Hispano-Romance."La cor6nica30.1: 159-203.
Articles Prior to 2000
- 1999 "On the Velarization of In/ in Cuban Radio Broadcasting."Proceedings of the 2nd Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. 291-300.
- 1999 "The Relationship between Lenition, the Strong Word Boundary, and Sonorant Strengthening in Ibero-Romance." Essays in Honor of Paul Lloyd. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta. 155-172.
- 1997 "On the Palatalization of /ks/, /kt/, /k'I/, /g'I/, and /gn/ in Western Romance."Romance Philology50.3: 276-294.
- 1994 "The Origin of the Portuguese Inflected Infinitive."Hispania77: 544- 554.
- April 2012. "On the Interaction of Vibrants, Syncope, Apocope, and Geminate Simplification in Hispano-Romance," 65th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2011. "On Rule Generalization and Word-Final /r/ in Hispano-Romance," 64th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- May 2010. "A Reexamination of the Palatalization of Latin -CT- Sequences in the light of Phonetic Research." Sessions in memory of Ray Harris-Northall, 45th International Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI.
- April 2010. "On the Palatalization of Latin -GN- in Western Romance." Sessions in memory of Ray Harris-Northall, 63rd Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington, KY.
- May 2009. INVITED SPEAKER: "A Reexamination of the Palatalization of Latin Velar + Dentalveolar Sequences in the Light of Phonetic Research." Workshop on Experimental Phonetics and Sound Change, May 11, 2009, Salamanca, Spain, organized by Daniel Recasens and Fernando Sanchez Miret.
- April 2009. "Crosslinguistic Data, Phonetic Research, and the Palatalization of Latin Word-Initial /pl/, /kl/, /fl/ and Romance Secondary /k'l/, /g'l/ in HispanoRomance." 62°d Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2008. "On Determining the Origin of Yod in Western and Halo-Romance." Sessions in honor of Roger Wright, 61st Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2007. "A Reexamination of the Origin and Generalization of /s/ Aspiration in Spanish." 60th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2006. "On the Origin and Generalization of Variable Rules in the History of Spanish." 59th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- November 2005. INVITED SPEAKER: "Where did /j/ Come from? What did it Do? On Vocalization, Palatalization, and Glide Epenthesis in the Western Romance Development of Latin /ks/ and /kt/." Hispanic Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Ohio State University, Columbus.
- August 2005. "Does an Aversion to Word Boundary Phenomena Have an Effect upon Sound Change?" 17th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), Madison, WI.
- April 2005. "On the Relationship between /j/ and a Following Palatal Consonant in Ibero-Romance: Glide Absorption or Glide Epenthesis? Does /j/ Precede and Cause Palatalization, or Is It a Product of It? What, If Anything, Can Other Romance Dialects Tell Us?" 58th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2004. "On Consonant+ Consonant Metathesis in the History of Spanish." 57th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2003. "Yod without Palatalization, Palatalization without Yod: The Interaction of Palatalization, Gemination, and Yod Formation in the Development of Latin /ks/." 56th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2002. "On the Structural Basis of Metathesis in Spanish and Hispano-Romance." 55th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 2000. "On Word Demarcation and the Generalization of Sound Change in Spanish." 53rd Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
Presentations Prior to 2000
- December 1999. Session chair, Comparative Romance Linguistics (discussion group), MLA Annual Convention, Chicago.
- April 1999. "On the Syllabification of Romance Obstruent +Liquid Clusters." 52nd Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- December 1998."On Portufiol and the Acceptability of Mixed Languages." Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, San Francisco.
- October 1998. "On the Velarization of Inf in Cuban Radio Broadcasting." Second Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Ohio State University, Columbus.
- April 1998."Consonant-Glide Inversion: Gradual or Abrupt? Phonemes or Features?" 51st Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- March 1998."Diachronic Consonant + Glide Inversion: Gradual or Abrupt? Phonemes or Autosegments?" Southeast Conference on Linguistics (SECOL) LVIII, Lafayette, Louisiana.
- February 1998."On the Viability of Portufiol as a Medium of Communication." 19th Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures (La Chispa), Baton Rouge.
- October 1997.Primer coloquio de lingiiistica hispdnica, Miami University, Oxford. Member of coordinating committee.
- April 1997. "On the Relationship between Lenition and the Strong Word Boundary in Ibero-Romance." 50th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- April 1997. "Brazil and Mercosul: A Linguistic Update." Charla Series, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, Miami University Latin American Year. 4/16/97.
- December 1996. "The Palatalization of /kt/, /ks/, /k'l/, /g'l/, and /gn/ in HispanoRomance." Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.
- April 1996. "On the Palatalization of /kl/, /fl/, and /pl/ in Hispano-Romance." 49th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, Lexington.
- October 1995. "Regular and Sporadic Metathesis in Hispano-Romance." South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA), Annual Convention, Houston.
- December 1994. "Metathesis: The Ibero-Romance Evidence." Modern Language Association, Annual Convention, San Diego.
- August 1994. "The Palatalization of /kl/, /pl/ and /fl/ from Latin to Spanish." American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), Philadelphia.
- April 1994. "Velarization of word-final Inf in Spanish: Weakening or Not?", Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Alumni Symposium, Penn State.
- May 1991. "Small Change: The Diminutive from Latin to Spanish and Portuguese," Canadian Association of Hispanists, Learned Societies Conference, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario.
Memberships in Professional Organizations
- Modern Language Association
- 1997-2001. MLA Executive Committee Member, Comparative Romance Linguistics Discussion Group
- English (fluent)
- Spanish (fluent)
- Portuguese (fluent)
- French (reading)
- Catalan (reading)
- Galician (reading)
- Italian (reading)
- Latin (reading)
- German (reading)
- Greek (reading)
Professional and Administrative Experience
- FEBRUARY 2011. Promoted to Professor of Spanish
- AUGUST 2008 to AUGUST 2012. Chief Departmental Adviser, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
- AUGUST to DECEMBER 2006. Acting Chair, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
- AUGUST 1999 to SPRING 2004; JANUARY 2007 to PRESENT. Assistant Chair, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese
- JANUARY 2007 to MAY 2008. Adviser, Declaration of Spanish Minor
- FEBRUARY 1999. Granted tenure, promoted to Associate Professor of Spanish
- AUGUST 1993 TO FEBRUARY 1999. Assistant Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Miami University, Oxford, OH
M.A. Exam Committees
- 2012. Veronica Chasser
- 2011. Tiffanie Clark
- 2010. Elisa Wang
- 2009. Alejandra Alana, Ricardo Sosa, Abbey Blackbum, Sara McEleney
- 2008. Martin Kane
- 2007. Christine Norgard (chair), Jesus Botello, Ana Salcedo Lopez, Drew Barnes
- 2006. Teresa Camacho, Benjamin Partee, Amanda Price ·
- 2004. Kelly Noe
- 2003. Darin Hurst, Kristin Kiely
- 2002. Marta Velasco (chair), Carmen Guerrero (chair), Alexander Steffanell
- 2001. Stacey Ostapowicz
- 2000. Cristina Sanchez, Luisa Forsgren
- 1999. Nicolas Fernandez
- 1998. Myrna Lottis (chair),.Anne Gillingham
- 1997. Trista Nicosia, Mercedes Ramirez, Judy Humphrys, Stephanie Gates (chair)
- 1996. Eric Dawson, Heather Williams, Sara Beyer
- 1994. Julia Jones
M.A. Thesis/Tutorial Committees
- 2009. Sara McEleney, Anneris Coria Navia, Elisa Wang
- 2007. Sonia Quintana (chair), Ana S. Lopez, Megan Solon, Christine Norgard, Emily Kaple
- 2004. Yolanda Mead (chair, tutorial), Kelly Noe
- 2003. Kristin Kiely (chair)
- 2002. Marta Velasco (chair, tutorial)
- 2001. Matthew Heslep
- 1999. Joy Bascuk, Karina Elam, Leah Henson
- 1997. Julie Mundt, Jill Fourman
- 1996. Dan Skidmore
- 1995. Chris McDonald, Sara Ainsworth
- 1994. James Scott, Steven Pryor
Departmental Committees
- 2011-2012. Scheduling, Promotion and Tenure, Awards, SPN 311 Articulation
- 2010-2011. Scheduling, Promotion and Tenure, Awards,
- 2009-2010. Scheduling, Lecture, Promotion and Tenure, Awards
- 2008-2009. Promotion and Tenure
- 2007-2008. Awards (Chair), Promotion and Tenure, Honors Representative
- 2006-2007. Assessment (chair), Awards (chair), Promotion and Tenure
- 2005-2006. Assessment (chair), Search (Linguistics)
- 2004-2005. Honors Representative (Fall semester)
- 2003-2004. Dept. Advisory Committee, Search (Linguistics)
- 2002-2003. Dept. Advisory Committee, Search (Portuguese), Grievance
- 2001-2002. Dept. Advisory Committee, Search (20th cent. Penins.), Grievance
- 2000-2001. Dept. Advisory Committee, Search (linguistics, chair), SPN 311 course coordinator
- 1999-2000. Dept. Advisory Committee, Search (linguistics, chair), SPN 311 course coordinator
- 1998-1999. Awards (chair), Graduate Studies, Advisory Committee, Search (linguistics, chair)
- 1997-1998. Awards (chair), Grievance, SPN 311 Textbook Selection (chair)
- 1996-1997. Search (linguistics), Awards, Grievance, Grants and Funding
- 1995-1996. Search (linguistics, chair), Awards
- 1994-1995. Search (linguistics), Governance
- 1993-1994. Search (linguistics), Awards Arts and Science Committees
- 1996-1999. Latin American Studies
- 1994-2001. Linguistics
University Committees
- 2007-2010. University Senate Representative for SPO and GREAL
- 2004-2006. Liberal Education Council
- 1997-2002. Student Motor Vehicle Appeals
- 1994-1995. Student Affairs (alternate) Curricular and Professional Development
- 2005-2006. Developed New SPN 440 Course, Spanish Language Today
- 2003-2004. Development of two new language and culture courses SPN 381, 382, as part of departmental curriculum revision (w/ Nuria Lopez Ortega, Michael Ferreira)
- 2003-2004. Developed SPN 600 Course, Multilingual Spain
- 2001-2002. Developed New SPN 440 Course, Multilingual Spain
- 1998-1999. Developed New SPN 440 Course, Translation: Theory and Practice
- 1997-1998. Developed New SPN 440 Course, The Caribbean: A Linguistic Perspective
- 1996-1997. Participated in International Seminar offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), entitled "Poverty, Race, and Participatory Democracy in the Dominican Republic and Haiti." Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and Port-au-Prince, Haiti, January 1997. This seminar contributed greatly to SPN 440 The Caribbean: A Linguistic Perspective.
- 1995-1996. Participated in International Seminar offered by the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), entitled "Brazil: The Emerging Giant." Sao Paulo, Brazil, May-June 1996 Participated in diversity seminar given by Prof. Rose Brewer, visiting professor of Women's studies from the University of Minnesota, in order to begin development on SPN 440 The Caribbean: A Linguistic Perspective. Developed new SPN 600 Graduate Seminar, Spanish Morphology
- 1994-1995. Thematic Sequence, Spanish, "Hispanic Linguistics" (w/ Teresa Roig, Jose del Valle) Developed three new courses in Spanish linguistics for MA program, with J. del Valle, T. Roig-Torres and Carmen Garcfa: Spanish Phonology and Syntax, Spanish Dialectology, and Second Language Acquistion: Spanish Completed advanced Portuguese language and culture course in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, for improvement of Portuguese teaching ability through linguistic and cultural interaction, and collection of on-site materials. June/July 1995 Trip to Cuba for purpose of gathering linguistic data on Cuban Spanish for classroom and research use. March 1995
- 1993-1994. Coordinated the recording of native speakers for the phonetics and pronunciation section of the SPN 312 manual, for use in the Interactive Language Resource Center
- AUGUST 1992 TO MAY 1993. Lecturer in Spanish, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Penn State Erie: The Behrend College, Erie PA
- AUGUST 1986 TO JULY 1992. Teaching Assistant, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Service to the Profession
- 2011. Reviewed manuscript for John Benjamins, for volume titled "The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, Production, and Social Factors"
- 2010. Reviewed manuscript for Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
- 2009. External reviewer for tenure and promotion, University of Virginia
- 2009. External reviewer for tenure and promotion, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
- 2009. Reviewed manuscript for studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
- 2009. Reviewed manuscript for linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages(LSRL)
- 2007. Reviewed manuscript forJournal of Linguistics
- 2005. Reviewed manuscript for Cor6nica
- 2005. Reviewed book manuscript, Breve historia de la lengua espaiiola, for Univ. of Chicago Press
- 2002. Reviewed manuscript for Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos
- 1999. Reviewed manuscript for Hispania
- Ph.D. Spanish (Hispano-Romance Linguistics concentration), Penn State University (1993)
- Dissertation Title: "The Role of Phonological Structure in Sound Change from Latin to Spanish and Portuguese."
- Dissertation Director: Donna Rogers
- M.A. Spanish (Linguistics & Portuguese minor), Penn State University (1988)
- B.A. Spanish and Latin American Studies, Penn State University (1985)