Larysa Bobrova
Larysa Bobrova enjoys sharing innovative strategies with faculty for teaching multilingual students. In her teaching, she aims to bring together rigorous theoretical enquiry with language pedagogy to enhance the learning process while making it both productive and enjoyable.
Research Interests
- Second Language Writing
- Concept-based Instruction in ESL Writing
- Sociocultural Approaches to Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
- Writing Center Studies
- Multimodal Metaphor
Courses Taught
- Theories and Practices of Writing Center Consulting (ENG 481/581)
- Independent Study for Honors (ENG 480)
- Introduction to Linguistics (ENG 219 – Undergraduate Level)
- Composition and Rhetoric for Second Language Writers (ENG 109)
- US Culture and Composition for Second Language Writers (ENG 108)
- Reading and Writing in Academic Contexts (ACE 113)
- Reading and Writing in Academic Contexts (ENG 107)
- Writing Studio (ENG 105)
- Ph.D. Applied Linguistics, Pennsylvania State University (2013)
- Ph.D. Comparative-historical Linguistics and Typology, Donetsk State University, Ukraine (2000)
- B.A. and M.A. equivalent, Teaching English and German as Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute for Foreign Languages, Ukraine (1991)
Bobrova, L. (2021). Reconceptualizing L1 conceptual structures for editing collocational errors in English as a second language (ESL) writing.’ In A. Peters & N. Mundt (Eds.), Exploring cultural linguistics: Trends, directions and applications (Vol. 127), (pp. 177-203). Peter Lang.- Bobrova, L. (2018). The effects of written feedback on ESL writers’ ability to edit word choice errors. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7(3), 1-13.
- Bobrova, L. (2017). Enhancing metaphorical competence in the L2 Russian classroom. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, 22, 133-157.
- Bobrova, L. (2015). A procedure for identifying potential multimodal metaphors in TV commercials. Multimodal Communication, 4(2), 113-131. DOI: 10.1515/mc-2015-0009
- Lantolf, J. P. & Bobrova L. (2014). Metaphor instruction in the L2 Spanish classroom: theoretical argument and pedagogical program. Journal of Spanish Language Teaching, 1(1), 46-61. DOI: 10.1080/23247797.2014.898515
- Lantolf, J. P. & Bobrova, L. (2012). Happiness is drinking beer: A cross-cultural analysis of multimodal metaphors in American and Ukrainian commercials. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 22(1), 42-66.
- Bobrova, L. (2011). Translating prose rhythm as a factor in intertextuality in Yuri Andrukhovych’s novel Perverzion. The Ukrainian Quarterly, LXVII(1-4), 135-148.
- Bobrova, L. (2009). The “heart” as poetic metaphor in Antonych’s The grand harmony. The Ukrainian Quarterly, 65(3), 255-271.
Work in Progress
Inspired by the language-learning challenges of multilingual writers, my two current research projects aim to design innovative strategies for addressing issues notoriously problematic for writing consultants and English language learners, namely corrective feedback on wrong word choices defined as “untreatable” errors in ESL feedback research and English prepositions. Informed by the latest findings in cognitive semantics and the sociocultural theory of pedagogy, both projects lay the basis for developing pedagogical materials aimed at 1) empowering consultants with a metacognitive knowledge of cognitive semantics for targeting misused words and prepositions and 2) enhancing multilingual writers’ awareness of cultural conceptual differences between English and their native languages.