Leah Janssen
PhD, Social Gerontology, Miami University
MGS, Gerontological Studies, Miami University
BA, Sociology & Gerontology, Miami University
Research Interests
Qualitative data analysis; Direct care workforce issues related to retention and emotional health, such as self-compassion and emotional intelligence; Ageism, attitudes about aging, and incorporating ageism and age into diversity, equity, and inclusion competencies.
Biographical Sketch
Leah Janssen, MGS, PhD is the Associate Director for Academic Programs and Research Support at the Scripps Gerontology Center. In this split position, Leah oversees the masters and doctoral programs in gerontology, as well as evaluates long-term care policies and programs. Prior to her position at Scripps, Leah worked in the nonprofit sector on several grant-funded programs, designing and implementing comprehensive workforce development and training programs that served marginalized and under-represented communities. Leah also worked in direct service and case management for low-income, community-dwelling older adults and adults with disabilities.
Selected Publications
Karmacharya, I., Janssen LM, Brekke, B. “Let them know that they’re appreciated”: The Importance of Work Culture on Direct Care Worker Retention. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 2023 August; 43(X):1-7. DOI: 10.3928/00989134-20230706-03
Kinney, J., McLaughlin, S.J., Abbott, K., Janssen, L.M. & Applebaum, R. (2023). Bridging the Gap Between Education, Practice and Policy in Gerontology. Public Policy & Aging Report. https://doi.org/10.1093/ppar/prac034
Janssen, L.M. & Abbott, K.M. (2022). “It hits me right here at my heart”: Promoting emotional health of home care workers. Journal of Applied Gerontology. https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648221127690
Janssen, L.M., Flores, V., & Cao, J. (2022). A North Star for Gerontology: Using the Threshold Concept Framework to Transform Ageism Education. The Gerontologist, 62(6) 797-802 https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab142
Valenti, K.G., Janssen, L.M., Enguidanos, S., de Medeiros, K. (2021). “By the time she got sick it was just kind of too late”: A qualitative study on advanced care planning among bereaved lesbian, gay, and bisexual older women. Palliative Medicine. doi:10.1177/02692163211065279
Janssen, L.M., Flores, V., & Cao, J. (2021). A North Star for Gerontology: Using the Threshold Concept Framework to Transform Ageism Education. The Gerontologist. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnab142
Valenti, K.G., Janssen, L.M., de Medeiros, K., & Enguidanos, S. (2021). We speak a different language: End-of-life and bereavement experiences of older lesbian, gay, and bisexual women who have lost a spouse or partner. Qualitative Health Research, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F10497323211002823
Janssen, L.M., Kinney, J.M., Farfsing, K.M. (2020). Through the Montessori looking-glass: Barriers to implementing a Montessori-based intervention. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1177/0733464820938270
Straker, J.K., Janssen, L.M., Stemen, S.E., Nelson, M., Young, M.A., Brottman, B.J. (2019, March). Implementation of the 2018 Ohio Nursing Home and Residential Care Facility Family Satisfaction Surveys. Scripps Gerontology Center and Ohio Department of Aging. https://sc.lib.miamioh.edu/bitstream/handle/2374.MIA/6394/straker-Implementation-of-the-Family-Satisfaction-Survey-5-2019.pdf
Janssen, L. M. (2018). Meanings of age and aging among older, incarcerated women: Implications for adaptation and policy reform. In C. Wellin (Ed.), Critical gerontology comes of age (pp. 164-192). New York, NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315209371