Professor and Interim Chair of Department of Justice and Community Studies
Marianne Cotugno
- PhD in English Literature, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA May 2002
- MA in English Literature, The Pennsylvania State University
- BA in English Literature, Rutgers University, Douglass College, New Brunswick, NJ
Teaching Interests
- Twentieth century American literature
- Technical communication
- Composition
- The Book as Object
Research Interests
- Twentieth century American literature (Conrad Richter, Vladimir Nabokov)
- Technical communication (police report writing)
Selected Publications
- "'Revising the Ohio Trilogy: Conrad Richter's The Awakening Land." The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America. Spring 2020.
- "'We're just putting it in our files:' Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita at the Cincinnati Public Library." Nabokov Online Journal. Spring 2020.
- "Transformative Change at Miami University's Regional Campuses." co-authored with Moira Casey, Cathy Bishop-Clark. Effecting Change in Academia: Strategies for Faculty Leadership, co-edited by Holly Hassel and Kristi Cole (Routledge Press). December 2019.
- "Being Liminal: Life as an HOH Teacher." Teaching English in the Two-Year College. 46: (March 2019): 231-242.
- "Writing Skills, Hiring, and Training Police Officers." The Police Chief. November 2018.
- "Memory, Space, and Exile in Vladimir Nabokov's 'A Guide to Berlin.'" Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies 1.3 (2018).
- "Using the Case Study Method to Improve Critical Thinking." Journal of Criminal Justice Education (2018).
- "Using Google Drive to Prepare Students for Workplace Writing and to Encourage Student Responsibility, Collaboration, and Revision." Teaching English in the Two-Year College. 42:1 (September 2014): 65-76.
Grants and Awards
- Grants for Write Now!, Middletown Rotary and Rotary International, Middletown Community Foundation
Work in Progress
Dr. Cotugno is working on the representation of hunting in Conrad Richter's Ohio trilogy, which she hopes will be part of a larger work that addresses Richter's ecological consciousness. She is working on an article that argues for incorporating synchronous discussions into the teaching of online literature courses.