Moira Casey
- PhD, English, University of Connecticut, 2003
- MA, English, University of Connecticut
- BA, English Education, The College of New Jersey
Teaching Interests
- Contemporary British and Irish literature
- Composition and Rhetoric
- Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Research Interests
- Contemporary Irish Fiction
- Irish Transnational Literature
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Selected Publications
- “Built on Nothing but Bullshit and Good PR”: Crime, Class Mobility, and the Irish Economy in the Novels of Tana French. Clues: A Journal Of Detection. Spec. issue on Tana French, forthcoming.
- "'If love's a country': Transnationalism and the Celtic Tiger in Emma Donoghue's Landing." New Hibernia Review. 15.2 (Summer 2011): 64-79.
- "Exploring the Social Nature of Reading: The Literary Interview Assignment." Co-authored with Jeffrey Sommers. Lore: An E-Journal For Teachers of Writing. Bedford/St. Martin's. Spring 2009. Spec. issue on the Intersection of Literature and Composition.
- Review of Preventing Plagiarism: Tips and Techniques by Laura Hennessy DeSena. Teaching English at the Two-Year College. 35.3 (March 2008P: 313-15.
- "From Other to Another: Regional Campus Freshman English in Transition." Co-authored with Karen Cajka and Stephanie Roach. Open Words: Access and English Studies. 2.1 (Spring 2008): 49-68.
- "Devoted Ladies and the Apparitional Irish Lesbian." Molly Keane: Centenary Essays. Eds. Eibhear Walshe and Gwenda Young. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006. 169-180.
- "Mary Dorcey." Dictionary of Literary Biography: British and Irish Short Fiction, 1945-2000. Vol. 319. Ed. David Malcolm. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 2005. 63-67. (3000 word entry)
- "Safety of the Nation, Safety of the Family." Review of Kathryn Conrad's Locked in the Family Cell: Gender, Sexuality, and Political Agency in Irish National Discourse. Irish Literary Supplement. March 2005.
- "Rotating Teacher Participation in Workshop Groups." Teaching English at the Two-Year College. 32.3 (March 2005): 278-281.
- Khan, F. and Casey, M. "Imbedding Writing within the Engineering , Curriculum." Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference. Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. Published on CD-ROM, 2004.
- 'An Interview with Éilís Ní Dhuibhne.' Nua: Studies in Contemporary Irish Writing. IV.1 & 2 (2003): 133-146.
- 'James Ryan.' Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twenty-first Century British and Irish Novelists. Ed. Michael R. Molino. Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 267 (200): 304-309. (3000 word entry)
- 'Sex and Popular Culture in Roddy Doyle's The Woman Who Walked into Doors and Patrick McCabe's Breakfast on Pluto.' Foilsiú. 1.1 (2001): 77-86.
- "the harmless deceptions of male companionship': Sexuality and Male Homosocial Desire in Patrick McGinley's Bogmail.' Colby Quarterly. Fall, 2000. 184-197.
- "Apes and Echoes of Men': Gentlemanly Ideals and the Restoration Fop.' Fools and Jesters in Literature, Art, and History: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook. Ed. Vicky K. Janik. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1998. 207-14.
- Eating Cake. Eating Our Hearts Out. Ed. Lesléa Newman. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1993. 43-46. (short fiction)
Web Publications
- “Old Lads and New: Review of Masculinity and Irish Popular Culture: Tiger’s Tales." Breac: A Digital Journal of Irish Studies. (1000 word book review).
- “Exploring the Social Nature of Reading: The Literary Interview Assignment.” Co-authored with Jeffrey Sommers. Lore: An E-Journal For Teachers of Writing. Bedford/St. Martin’s. Spring 2009. Spec. issue on the Intersection of Literature and Composition.
Work in Progress
Dr. Casey is continuing her work on the contemporary crime novels of Irish writer, Tana French, while also pursuing a new line of research on higher education administration and the reorganization of Miami's regional campuses.