Paula Gândara
Paula Gândara has a Ph.D. in Hispanic Literatures with a concentration in African and Brazilian Studies. She has been a professor of Lusophone Studies in the Spanish and Portuguese Department since 2003, and is the author of Construindo Germano Almeida (Nova Vega, 2008), a major study on arguably one of the best writers of Lusophone Africa, published with the support of the Luso-American Foundation and the National Library of Cape Verde. She is also a poet (the title Horas de Língua, published in 2006 in Portugal by Quasi Edit, is presently being translated to English) and a singer as well. Paula Gândara is the author of multiple articles published in Portugal, Brazil and the US and her present research focuses on the relations between Portugal, Brazil and Africa in the 19th century, and on the status of women in 16th century Goa, a former Portuguese possession in India, often referred to as the Rome of Asia
Teaching and Research Interests
- Lusophone (Brazilian, African, Portuguese) Literatures, Cultures and Language
- Brazilian Studies
- African Lusophone Studies
Professional Recognition
- 2011 Commendation for Influence on Students, Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment, Miami University.
- 2010 Commendation for Influence on Students, Center for the Enhancement of Learning, Teaching, and University Assessment, Miami University.
- 2009 “Dos Rios que Vão de Kabul” Finalist in the Literary Prize City of Porto Seguro – Project “Lets Read the World” in the category of short-stories. Distinct Mention from the XXV International Prize of Poetry Nosside (2009), the only International Multilinguistic Contest of Poetry and Multimedia - with the support of UNESCO.
- 2008 National Archives of Lisbon and Luso-American Foundation Scholarship for summer research in Lisbon, Portugal
- 2007 Hampton Fund Award, for summer research in Lisbon, Portugal.
- 2003 Summer Research Scholarship of the College of Arts and Science, Miami University.
- 1992-1993 Fulbright scholarship to do a Ph.D. degree in Luso-American Studies at Brown University, Providence, R.I., under the direction of Prof. George Monteiro, Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies, Head of the Department of English Studies. (Did not enroll in the program due to the lack of financial support.)
- 1990-1993 Bolsa de Especialização from Instituto Nacional de Investigação Científica from the Portuguese Government.
- 1990-1991 Received the American Club Award of Academic Merit (3 weeks in the USA, MA research program). Scholarship from the American Studies Institute, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa: 6 weeks Master´s thesis research program at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Selected Publications
- Construindo Germano Almeida: A Consciência da (Des)construção. Lisboa: Vega. 2008.
- “Jorge de Sena: De ‘Crónicas’ e ‘Cartas’ e ‘blogs.’” Portuguese-American and Brazilian-American Literatures of Immigration. Antonio Ladeira, Editor. Gávea-Brown.Providence:Gávea-Brown/Brown University.Forthcoming.
- “Hans Staden and Thereafter.” Literatura em Debate, “Espaços do Imaginário Americano: Literatura e Interculturalidade” Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – URI, 10-5. (25 pp) (publ. Aug 2012.)
- “Das Varandas de Under the Frangipani, Mia Couto, Francisco Varela et al.” ABRIL – Revista do Núcleo de Estudos de Literatura Portuguesa e Africana da UFF. Vol 4, 8, April 2012.
- “Do Encantamento do Homem ou de Inglaterra Revisitada para Mécia de Sena” in Project “Ler Jorge de Sena” Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. (22p.) (2011)
- “O Plano dos Exílios Senianos.” in Project “Ler Jorge de Sena” Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. (24 pp.) (2011)
- “O Esplendor de Portugal ou Uma Fragilíssima Consciência do Ser.” Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 15/16: Facts and Fictions of António Lobo Antunes (2008).
- “Germano Almeida, da Escatologia …” Revista de Estudos Portugueses e Africanos, 43/44 (2004): 120-40.
- “Vós, as do Makuluso” Metamorfoses 4 (2003): 187-99.
- “The Beginning of the World as We Would Like It to Have Been or an Analysis Towards a Theory of Germano Almeida, or...” Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 8: Cape Verde: Language, Literature & Music (2003): 334-52.
- “Para uma Tentativa de Compartimentalização dos Exílios Senianos” Tudo Isto que Rodeia Jorge de Sena. Ed. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Paula Gândara. Lisboa: Salamandra, 2003. 35-58.
- “Reinventar o Desejo ou o corpo do texto in Germano Almeida” Mealibra, Revista de Cultura − Centro Cultural do Alto Minho 10.3 (2002): 75-82.
- "O sexo do verbo?" Género e Representação na Literatura Brasileira 2. Ed. Constancia Lima Duarte, Eduardo de Assis Duarte and Katia da Costa Bezerra. Belo Horizonte: Pós-Lit, FALE, UFMG. 2002. 43-57.
- “Qual Adélia?” Expressão 6.1 (2002): 220-25.
- “O momento do ‘Crime’ e uma breve contextualização: dois irmãos et al de Germano de Almeida” Expressão 5.2 (2001): 109-16.
- “Os lugares que não conheço, da linguagem e do leitor em Jorge de Sena” Encontros Prodigiosos: Anais do XVII Encontro de Professores Brasileiros de Literatura Portuguesa. Ed. Lélia Duarte and Paulo M. Oliveira. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, PUC-Minas. 2001: 999-1010.
- “Cartas de Londres, de Inglaterra para Portugal, Sempre” Para Emergir Nascemos, Estudos em Rememoração de Jorge de Sena. Ed. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Paula Gândara, Lisboa: Salamandra. 2000.
- “Jorge de Sena, ou para o Exílio na Palavra” Jorge de Sena em Rotas Entrecruzadas. Ed. Gilda Santos. Lisboa: Cosmos. 1999. 275-99.
- “Carmen Miranda: a lifetime in lyrics”, “Carmen Miranda Day”, Symposium and Performance, Feb. 7th, 2010.
- I Conference of Brazilian Women Writers in NY, Brazilian Endowment for the Arts, invited speaker “Cecilia Meireles, poesia & pintura,” and panelist moderator. Oct. 2009.
- “Empowering Women in 16th Century Goa, India” 29th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2009.
- “From Hans Staden to Bossa Nova; Antropophagical Associations”, Miami University. March 2009.
- “Between Here and There: Francisco Felix de Sousa” 28th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2008.
- “Chronological Thoughts on the Way to Freedom: Brazil & USA”. Illustrated exhibit at Cincinnati Museum of Modern Art, Abolitionism Celebrations. Aug. 2007.
- “Hans Staden e depois” 27th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2007.
- “From the Tangomaos to Francisco Felix de Sousa.” 26th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2006.
- “Hilda Hilst, My Beloved Lady.” 25th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2005.
- “Hilda Hilst, Merging the Gender Gap.” Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality: Intersections and (Dis)Contents Symposium. Miami University, February 2005.
- “O momento do ‘Crime’ e uma breve contextualização: Dois irmãos et al de Germano de Almeida” no Centro Cultural Português do Mindelo, S. Vicente, Cape Verde, January 2002.
- “A Fronteira da (des)construção: construir Germano Almeida”, XVIII Encontro de Professores Brasileiros de Literatura Portuguesa, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 2001.
- “Os lugares que não conheço, da linguagem e do leitor em Jorge de Sena”, XVII Encontro de Professores Brasileiros de Literatura Portuguesa, Belo Horizonte: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2001.
- “Para uma Tentativa de Compartimentalização dos Exílios Senianos,” Tudo Isto que Rodeia Jorge de Sena, org. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Paula Gândara, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, May 2001.
- “O Plano dos Exílios Senianos,” Portuguese-American Literature: The First One Hundred Years, Yale University, April 2001.
- “Jorge de Sena, os lugares luso-americanos. University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 2001.
- “Eisenhower: Social-Darwinist?”, Portugal and America, the 50's. American Studies Institute, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, 1991.
- Portuguese (native)
- English (fluent)
- French (fluent)
- Spanish (fluent)
- Italian (conversational)
Professional Experience
- 2009 Associate Professor of Lusophone Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Miami University.
- 2003-2008 Assistant Professor of Lusophone Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Miami University. Affiliate faculty at the Women Studies Department, Black World Studies Department, Latin American Studies Department and Film Studies Department.
- 2000-2003 Teaching Associate of Portuguese, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
- 199519-99 Auxiliary Professor of Portuguese for the Formative Courses for Diplomats, Universidade Lusíada, Lisbon.
- 1992-1999 Auxiliary Professor of English, Language Institute, Universidade Lusíada, Lisbon.
- 1992-1998 Auxiliary Professor of English II, Hotel Management Course, Universidade Internacional.
- 198919-93 Researcher and Secretary of the American Studies Institute of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- 1989-1990 Secretary of the Summer Course of Portuguese for British and North American University Students, Department of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
- 1988 English Teacher at Escola Selecta, D. João I.
- 1985-1986 Research Assistant on “Romanceiro Ibérico, classificação do Romanceiro – Instituto Seminario Menéndez Pidal at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, under the supervision of Professor Pere Ferré, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Professional Service
- Co-President of Sisterhood Paraná-Ohio Alliance for Progress 2012.
- Miami University, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, Discover the World Committee 2012.
- SPO (Spanish and Portuguese Department) Governance Committee 2012.
- Routledge Portuguese: A Comprehensive Grammar review – summer 2012.
- Ohio University Ph.D program review – summer 2012.
- “Itinerários – Fórum Global de Investigacao Educacional”, editorial board. Miami University Liberal Education Committee 2011-
- SPO Promotion and Tenure Committee. 2010-11.
- SPO Future of Spanish and Portuguese Program Committee. 2010-11.
- SPO Honor Courses Advising. 2010-11.
- SPO Global Miami Plan and Curriculum Committee. 2010.
- SPO Study Abroad Advisory Committee. 2010.
- Co-organizer of “Diaspora in the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World, an interdisciplinary conference” to be held on 12-13th Nov 2010, Miami University.
- Organizer of “Carmen Miranda Day”, Symposium and Performance, Feb. 7th, 2010.
- Capoeira and Percussion, workshop at Miami University (POR 211/POR 204). 2007-2010.
- SPO Awards Committee. 2009/10.
- Jury for the Master’s Dissertation of Elena Aleksandrovna Khmeleva, El Tríptico Tolstoyano de Doña Emilia Pardo Bazán. May 2009.
- Jury for the Master’s Dissertation of Marylène Lux, Sobre la Recepcíon de la Obra Literaria de Javier Marías en Alemania. Dec. 2008
- Service on the Humanities and Fine Arts Miami University subcommittee of the Graduate Council. 2007/08.
- Cooperation with Prof. Babacar Camara “Miami University’s 1st Africana Film Festival” for March 26-29, 2007.
- SPO Luso-Brazilian Minor Development. 2006-2009.
- SPO MA Evaluation Committee. 2006.
- SPO “Horas de Língua”. Taft Research Seminar, University of Cincinnati, invited speaker, 2006.
- SPO Lecture Committee. 2005-2008. 2010.
- SPO Bate-Papo/Portuguese Recruitment. 2005- 2010
- SPO Assessment Committee. 2005. 2007. 2010.
- SPO Honors Representative. 2005-2007. 2010.
- “Feminisms, Current Trends and Issues.” Discussion Group. Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality: Intersections and (Dis)Contents Symposium. Miami University, Invited panelist, 2005.
- Latin American Perspectives on Sexuality, Feminism and Postmodernism Session. Chair. Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality: Intersections and (Dis)Contents Symposium. Miami University, February 2005.
Selected Publications
Edited Books
- Tongue Times. Horas de Língua. Paula Gândara.Trans. by Philip Krummrich, rev. Paula Gândara.
- Book accompanied by a cd with readings in English and Portuguese by Paula Gândara, music by “Brasil Band”. (under review).
- Um Passo Mais no Português Moderno: Leituras, Gramática Avançada e Conversação. Francisco Cota Fagundes. Rev. Paula Gândara. Dartmouth: Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, 2003.
- Tudo Isto que Rodeia Jorge de Sena. Ed. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Paula Gândara. Lisboa: Salamandra, 2003.
- “Para Emergir Nascemos”: Em Rememoração de Jorge de Sena. Ed. Francisco Cota Fagundes and Paula Gândara. Lisboa: Salamandra, 2000.
- Metamorfoses do Amor: Estudos sobre a ficção breve de Jorge de Sena. Francisco Cota Fagundes. Rev. Paula Gândara. Lisboa: Salamandra, 1999.
Creative Writing Publications
- Online blog
- Horas de Língua. Porto: Quasi. 2006. (poetry book)
- Poetry “Maybe so”, “Here is you”, “1755”, “it was to be a love poem”, “silence is still something” Shipwrights, Malmö University, Sweden. (under review.)
- Poetry “Peixe”, “Daqui a anos”, “S. Jorge”, “Como seria bom morrer de amor”, “A tua mesa posta”, “De peixes e alados cavalos” in Gávea-Brown, A Bilingual Journal of Portuguese-American Letters and Studies, XXX/XXXI (2009-2010): 175-80.
- Poetry “Silêncio”, “Daqui a 20 Anos”, “intervalo I”, “Deus Lhes Pague”, “Nos Estados Unidos da América 2”, “Sei Falar de Peixes” in Show de Talentos em Prosa e Verso. S. Paulo: Scortecci. 2010. 195-200.
- Short-Story “Fica Comigo” in O Amor que Move o Sol e Outras Estrelas. S. Paulo: Scortecci. 2005. 12-19.
- Short-Story “Prendas de Natal” in Presente de Natal em Prosa e Verso. S. Paulo: Scortecci. 2004. 67-70.
- Poetry “Águas de terra”, “Reencontro 1”, “Reencontro 2”, “Reencontro 3” in Mealibra, Revista de Cultura − Centro Cultural do Alto Minho (10.3) Jul. (2002):159-160.
- “Untitled”, a trilingual co-work with Hugo dos Santos and Karina Bautista published in mOthertongue VIII (2002): 33-35.
- “Em Casa,” “Casa Pia,” “Comer-te-ei no Paraíso” Revista de Estudos Portugueses e Africanos 35 (2000): 77-84.
Creative Writing, Readings, Performances
- “From Hans Staden to Bossa Nova; Antropophagical Associations”, Performance with “Brasil Band”, Miami University. March 2009.
- “Carmen Miranda Day”, Performance with “Brasil Band”, Miami University, 7th Feb. 2010. Brazilian Music Performance with “Brasil Band”, Martin Luther King Day Celebrations, Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal. 2009.
- Carnival Presentation and Performance with “Brasil Band”, March, ALAS, Miami University. 2009.
- Brazilian Music Performance with “Brasil Band”, Hispanic Day, Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal. 2009.
- Poetry Reading at Morehead State University, Phil Krummrich and Paula Gândara doing a reading of Horas de Língua (Tongue Times) in both Portuguese and English. Sept 17th. 2009.
- Morehead State University, seminar on "The Theoretical and Practical Problems of Translating Poetry" conducted by Phil Krummrich and Paula Gândara. Sept 18th. 2009.
- Brazilian music performance with the band “Brasil Band” at Unidiversity Festival, Miami University. Sept. 2009.
- Brazilian Music Performance with “Brasil Band”, Martin Luther King Day Celebrations, Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal. 2008.
- 2008 Northern Kentucky History, Art and Culture Lecture Series “Living Together in the Tri-State” with “Brasil Band”. Nov. 9th. 2008.
- Brazilian Music Performance with “Brasil Band”. Cincy Cinco Latin Festival, OH. 3th-4th May. 2008.
- Brazilian Carnaval with “Brasil Band”. Havana Martini Club. April 14th.2008
- Portuguese Reading for “El Dia” Covington Library, KY. April 27th. 2008.
- Carnival Presentation and Performance with “Brasil Band”, March 3th. ALAS, Miami University. 2008.
- Benefit for Latin Women Disadvantage “Brasil Band”, Kenwood Country Club Mason OH. Feb. 21th. 2008.
- “Brazilian Music” Interview to WMKV (89.3 FM) Feb. 10th, 7-8pm. 2008.
- Brazilian Music Performance with “Brasil Band”, Grand Re-opening Celebration Main Library Downtown Cincinnati. Feb. 2nd. 2008.
- Capoeira and Percussion, workshop at Miami University (classes of Portuguese). Nov. 2007.
- Brazilian music performance with “Brasil Band” World Music Fest., Newport, KY. Oct. 2007.
- Interview to The Miami Student “UniDiversity performer reflects on annual festival” 9/11/07. Online
- Brazilian music performance with the band “Brasil Band” at the Latin-Caribbean Festival. Miami University. Sept. 2007.
- Brazilian music performance with the band “Brasil Band” at Southgate House, Newport, KY. June 2007.
- Poetry Readings from the book Horas de Língua. 27th Cincinnati Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. University of Cincinnati. May 2007.
- Student Poetry Reading presented in the African-American Poetry Reading at King Library, 2004 and 2005.
- Dancing, singing and poetry and presentation with the students of POR 211 presented at Miami Art Museum, Spring Semester, 2004/05.
- “From the Inside Out, From the Outside In, Poetry Readings in English, Spanish and Portuguese”. Org. Paula Gândara. Augusta Savage Gallery, New Africa House, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, March 2002. Reading of poems from Horas de Língua; Poesa Prosia, diálogos de terra,(unpublished book) and Gritos Nós Nuas (unpublished book). Reading of poems from Horas de Língua, Poesa Prosia, diálogos de terra (unpublished book). Yale University Portuguese-American Literature: The First One Hundred Years, April 2001.
Works in Progress
- “The Carnivalesque in Carmen Miranda: a National Identity Question.” (article)
- “Slavery in 19th century Dahomey, the Portuguese-Brazilian Francisco Félix de Sousa.” (article)
- How I Wish I Could Write in English I (short-stories & poetry)
- Who Was Joana Baptista? Reading Proposals on Self-Enslavement” (under editing, article) (24pp)
- Ph.D. - University of Massachusetts at Amherst (Hispanic Literatures and Linguistics), Dissertation: “Construindo Germano Almeida: A Consciência da (Des)construção”, 2003
- M.A. - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Anglo-Portuguese Studies, with highest distinction), Thesis: “Inglaterra Revisitada, do Encantamento do Escritor à Palavra do Homem”, 1992
- Licenciatura degree - Universidade Nova de Lisboain (Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, Estudos Portugueses e Ingleses), 1998