Robin Thomas
- Joint Ph.D. Cognitive Science & Psychology, Indiana University (1995)
- M.A. Mathematics, Indiana University (1995)
- B.A. Psychology, Minor Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude), Purdue University (1989)
Teaching Interests
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Mathematical Psychology
- Statistics
Research Interests
My recent research has centered on the methods and analysis techniques of neuroelectric imaging of the human brain. Neuroelectric imaging refers to the mapping of brain function using a dense-array version of the electroencephalogram (EEG). The ongoing, scalp-recorded EEG provides a window into brain activities underlying our cognitive processes. These technologies measure brain activity by recording changes in the electro-magnetic fields generated by ensembles of neurons that are synchronized in their behavior. This electrical activity changes quickly and can be related to specific events. such as moving attention in space, holding information in memory, making decisions between competing options, and recognizing objects such as faces when we encounter them in the environment. Projects we have ongoing include relating metrics of brain connectivity to cognitive models, exploring measures of similarity and pattern recognition to extract structure from EEG signals that relate to perception, and testing methods of EEG data collection for reliability and validity.
Professional Recognition
- 2015 Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science
- 2015 Fellow of the Psychonomic Society
- 2014 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Assessment, Commendation
- 2011 Center for Excellence in Teaching and Undergraduate Assessment, Commendation
- 2007 R. Duncan Luce Outstanding Paper Contribution for 2004-2006, Journal of Mathematical Psychology
- 2004 Invitee Winer Memorial Lecture Series, Purdue University
- 2002 Invitee Winer Memorial Lecture Series, Purdue University
- 2001 Remak Fellow, Indiana University
- 1999 New Investigator, American Psychological Association (Division 3)
- 1998 W.K. Estes Early Career Award, Society for Mathematical Psychology
- 1998 Faculty Research Award, Air Force Research Lab, Brooks AFB, Texas
Selected Publications
- Frame, M.E., Johnson, J.G., & Thomas, R.D. (2018). A neural indicator of response competition in preferential choice. In press, Decision. Advance online publication
- Silbert, N.H. & Thomas, R.D. (2017) Identifiability and testability in GRT with Individual Differences. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 77, 187 - 196.
- Bergen, D., Schroer, J.E., Thomas, R.D., Zhou, X., Chou, M., Chou, T. (2017). ERP responses of elementary age children to videogame simulations of two stimulus types: Study 1 and 2 comparisons. Journal of Research on Childhood Education, 31(1) 160-175.
- Thomas, R.D., Silbert, N.H., Grossman, E., & Ell, S. (2016). Modeling interactive dimensions in a component comparison task using General Recognition Theory. In J. W. Houpt & L. M. Blaha (Eds.), Mathematical Models of Perception and Cognition: A Festschrift for James T. Townsend. New York: Psychology Press.
- Thomas, R.D., Altieri, N., Silbert, N.H., Wenger, M.J., & Wessels, P.M. (2015). Signal detection decision models for the uncertainty task: Application to the perception of facial features. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 66, 16-33.
- Zhou, L. & Thomas, R.D. (2015). Principle component analysis of the memory load effect in a change detection task. Vision Research, 100, 1-6.
- National Science Foundation (co-PI with J. Johnson, PI, September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2017). Response Dynamics in Decision Making. $423,447.
- National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, NIH (co-PI with E. Kiel, July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2017). A Biopsychosocial Model of Emotion Processes determining the role of Overcontrol. $392,521.
- National Science Foundation (PI with co-PIs D. Bergen, K. Hugenberg, E. Schussler, & Q. Zhou, March 1, 2010 – February, 28, 2013). MRI-R2: Acquisition of Dense Array EEG for Research and Training across the Disciplines. $222,750.