Thomas Flanigan
- BA University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
- MA and MAT Boston College
- PhD Ohio University
Teaching Interests
- British literature before 1800
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare and film
- The history of drama
- English composition
Research Interests
- Shakespeare and music
- English lute school
- Shakespeare and film
- medieval mystery plays
Selected Publications
- "For 'such as desire to . . . taste . . . so ravishing a sweet science': Self-Help Lute Books in Early Modern England," Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History 10 (2013)
- “The Several Faces of Late-Gothic Eve: Gender and Marriage in the Mystery Creation and Fall Plays,” Quidditas 34 (2013)
- "Parson Evans' Musical Muddle in The Merry Wives of Windsor," The Explicator 68.3 (spring 2010)