Ying Zhu
Ying Zhu is a sophisticated educator who has a real passion for teaching.
Before joining Miami University, Ying Zhu taught at New Mexico State University and other K12 schools in the United States and abroad. At Miami University, Zhu teaches STC 236 Intercultural Communication at Miami University.
- Ph.D., Communication and Information, Kent State University
- M.Ed., Research, Measurement, and Statistics, Kent State University
Research Interests
Zhu' research interests focus on: communication technology and emerging media; human-machine communication; communications behaviors under censorship and surveillance systems. In particular, Zhu focuses on answering the research questions on how application of the communication technology changes the ways in which people learn about, engage with, and form opinions on health informatics, political and social issues. Her research has appeared in the peer-reviewed journals in the communication and interdisciplinary fields including New Media & Society, the Journal of Health Communication and Vaccines among others.
Courses Taught
- STC 236 Intercultural Communication
- Etzrodt, K., …, Zhu, Y., & Edwards, C. (2024). What HMC teaches us about authenticity. Human-Machine Communication, 8, 227-251.
- Zhu, Y., Beam, M., Ming, Y., Egbert, N., & Smith, T. (2023). Parental attitudes and child vaccination during COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring influences using social cognitive theory. Vaccines, 10 (11), 1876.
- Egbert, N., Zhu, Y., Choi, M., Beam, M & Smith T. (2022). Family communication patterns and parents’ intentions to vaccinate their child against COVID-19. Health Communication.38 (12), 2774-2781.
- Silva, D. E., Chen, C., & Zhu, Y. (2022). Facets of algorithmic literacy: Information, experience, and individual factors predict attitudes toward algorithmic systems. New Media & Society.
- Ming, Y., Zhu, Y., Matteson, M. (2022). Intentions to Seek Information About COVID-19 Vaccine Among Young Adults: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. In: Smits, M. (eds) Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. iConference 2022.