Luke Meeken
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Educational Credentials
Ph.D., Art Education, Penn State University
M.A.E., Art Education, Virginia Commonwealth University
B.F.A. Studio Art, Carnegie Mellon University
Luke Meeken, Ph.D.'s research attends to the cultivation of critical sensitivities to the material qualities of digital and physical places in arts learning. Drawing on critical and performative digital materialisms, and critical and anticolonial readings of place and place-making, Meeken's research examines the habits of attention youth bring to the material histories, politics, and embodied interactions of the digital places they participate in and create. Meeken has been an active board member on the Caucus for Social Theory in Art Education (CSTAE), serving as the CSTAE's Digital Curator from 2019 to 2021, and as CSTAE's Coordinator from 2024-2026.
Prior to his doctoral studies, Meeken was a public high school digital and traditional media art teacher, and was the lead curriculum designer for Virginia Commonwealth University’s CurrentLab project, developing game design curricula for K-12 arts learning environments. He continues to develop and teach summer programming with the Smithsonian, exploring critical and creative potentials of digital materials with middle and high school students.Selected Publications
Meeken, L. A., & Knochel, A. D. (2022). Glitching form: Subverting digital systems that capture the physical world. Art Education, 75(4), 49-56.
Bae-Dimitriadis, M. S., & Meeken, L. A. (2022). Land-based art intervention: Disrupting settler colonial curriculum of public parks. International Journal of Education through Art, 18(2), 259-277.Knochel, A. D., & Meeken, L. (2022). Uncertain matters: Material to form curricula for digital design and fabrication. European Journal of STEM Education, 6(1), 19.
Meeken, L. A. (2021). Visual historiography: Drawing time as a method to cultivate varied temporalities and heterodox avenues of historical inquiry. Studies in Art Education, 62(1), 88-95.
Meeken, L. (2020). Forms and bodies: Using digital fabrication to interface the virtual and corporeal. Art Education, 73(5), 47-54.
Meeken, L. (2020). System error: Versatility and facility as empowering values for the digital arts classroom. Art Education, 73(3), 22-28.
Patton, R. A. & Meeken, L. (2017). Staying current: Developing digital literacies for the creative classroom. In Michael Filimowicz, & Veronika Tzankova (Eds.), Teaching Computational Creativity (pp. 21-47). Cambridge University Press.
Agnelli, K., Cramer, E. P., Buffington, M. L., Norris, J., & Meeken, L. (2016). Food landscapes: Cooking, community service and art-making with teens. Journal of Community Practice, 24(2), 205.