Robin Heinsen
Ph.D Music and Human Learning, University of Texas at Austin
MM Music Education, University of Georgia
BM Music Education, University of Georgia
Robin Schaps Heinsen is an Assistant Professor of Music Education at Miami University. She earned her Ph.D. in Music and Human Learning from The University of Texas at Austin and her B.M and M.M. in Music Education from the University of Georgia. Her teaching responsibilities include woodwind and brass methods, undergraduate music education courses, and supervising student teachers.
Her research interests include cognition of expert and novice teachers, preservice teacher skill development, learner-centered pedagogy, and lifelong music learning. She uses eye tracking technology to study attention allocation and momentary thought processes of music teachers and shares her work consistently at national and international music conferences and in research journals.
She previously taught middle school band for eight years in Gwinnett County, Georgia, where she served as the middle school band chair for GMEA District 13, received three National Band Association Citations of Excellence, and hosted several student teachers. Her professional affiliations include the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), Ohio Music Education Association, Society for Research in Music Education, Society for Music Teacher Education, International Society for Music Education, and National Band Association.