Roscoe Wilson
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M.F.A. Painting, Printmaking, and Sculpture, University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.A. Painting and Printmaking, Purdue University
B.A. Studio Art, Wabash College
Roscoe Wilson was born and raised in northern Indiana and southern Michigan. His environmental values were shaped in this mostly rural mid-western setting. Growing up in this region enabled him to experience nature and discover an awareness that only a forest, lake and field can offer. While at UW-M, he studied the history of environmentalism and drew inspiration for his artwork from former Wisconsin residents and environmental pioneers, including John Muir and Aldo Leopold. After graduate school, Wilson moved to Boston, MA, and worked for Skinner Auction House, the Museum of Fine Arts-Boston and the Boston Center for Adult Education. In 2003, he accepted an Assistant Professor position with Miami University, Hamilton, OH, where he now resides.
Two-page Resume