Azizeh-Mitra (Amy) Yousefi, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, École Polytechnique, University of Montreal, QC, Canada, 1996
- M.S., Chemical Engineering, Amir Kabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, 1990
- B.S., Polymer Engineering, Amir Kabir University (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran Iran, 1988
Research Interests
- 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering and cell-based gene therapy
- Structure-property relationships, rheology, and degradation of biomaterials
- Finite element modeling and design of experiments
- Sustainable polymer packaging and polymer processing
Research Bio
Amy Yousefi received her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique – University of Montreal (1996). Then, Dr. Yousefi conducted research on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) as a postdoctoral associate at Ecole Polytechnique. In 1999, she joined the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) – Industrial Materials Institute (IMI).
Dr. Yousefi is the recipient of IMI’s prestigious “l’Ordre du Mérite” in 2002 (individual) and in 2006 (team), acknowledging her contributions to automotive and plastic packaging industries. The finite element modeling software developed by her is at the commercial level (North America, Europe, Asia) and is currently assisting the automotive industry in designing environmental-friendly fuel tanks.
Dr. Yousefi joined Miami University in 2009 as a Maryloo Spooner Schallek associate professor, and was promoted to full professor in 2016. Her research on 3-D scaffolds for bone tissue engineering at Miami University has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Research Funding
- National Institute of Health (NIH-NIAMS)
- Ohio Board of Regents (OBR)
- Professor (2016 - present)
- Maryloo Spooner Schallek Endowed Professor (2009–2016)
- Visiting Faculty, Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, TN (spring 2016)
- Visiting Faculty, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Vanderbilt University, TN (fall 2015)
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, MI (fall 2011)
- Research Officer, National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Materials Institute, QC (2001–2009)
- Research Associate, National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Materials Institute, QC (1999–2001)
- Postdoctoral Associate, Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal, QC (1997–1999)
- Researcher, GIC Polymer Research Lab, Tehran, Iran (1988–1992)
Honors and Awards
- Spooner Schallek Endowed Chair, Miami University, Oxford, OH (2009-2016 )
- Nomination for the Arthur Olson Generational Teaching Excellence Award, Miami University (2014, 2015)
- Recipient of “l’ordre du mérite” (team), National Research Council of Canada (NRC-IMI), QC (2006)
- Recipient of “l’ordre du mérite”, National Research Council of Canada (NRC-IMI), QC (2002)
Principal Publications
- Yousefi AM, Drapaca CS, Kazina CJ (2015). " Cryogel Tissue Phantoms with Uniform Elasticity for Medical Imaging", in “Supermacroporous Cryogels: Biomedical and Biotechnological Applications ”; Kumar A, Ed., Taylor & Francis; CRC Press.
- Yousefi AM* (2016). " Smart Functional Porous Materials for Tissue Engineering", in “Fundamental Principles of Smart Materials in Tissue Engineering”, Chapter 13 (pp. 358-400), Wang Q, Ed.; *Royal Society of Chemistry*. ISBN: 978-1-78262-464-6,
Software Packages
- TSBM © software for the simulation of twin-sheet blow molding; NRC, 2006 – 2009.
- BlowParison © software for the simulation of viscoelastic parison swell (fuel tank design), NRC, 2000 – 2009.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Vu PT, Conroy JP, Yousefi AM (2022). The Effect of Argon Plasma Surface Treatment on Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)/Collagen-Based Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering. Biomimetics, 7(4), 218. Full text
- Sampson K, Koo S, Gadola C, Vasiukhina A, Singh A, Spartano A, Gollapudi R, Duley M, Mueller J, Zhang J, James PF, Yousefi AM (2021). Cultivation of hierarchical 3D scaffolds inside a perfusion bioreactor: scaffold design and finite-element analysis of fluid flow. SN Applied Sciences, 3(12), 1-17. Full text
- Yousefi AM, Powers J, Sampson K, Wood K, Gadola C, Zhang J, James PF (2021). In vitro characterization of hierarchical 3D scaffolds produced by combining additive manufacturing and thermally induced phase separation. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. 2021 Mar;32(4):454-476. Full text
- Yousefi AM (2019). A review of calcium phosphate cements and acrylic bone cements as injectable materials for bone repair and implant fixation. Journal of applied biomaterials & functional materials. 17(4):2280800019872594. Full text
- Liu J, Zhang J, James PF, Yousefi AM (2019). I‐Optimal design of poly (lactic‐co‐glycolic) acid/hydroxyapatite three‐dimensional scaffolds produced by thermally induced phase separation. Polymer Engineering & Science. 59(6):1146-57. Full text
- Yousefi AM, Liu J, Sheppard R, Koo S, Silverstein J, Zhang J, James PF (2018). “I-Optimal Design of Hierarchical 3D Scaffolds Produced by Combining Additive Manufacturing and Thermally Induced Phase Separation”, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2(2):685-696.. Full text
- Yousefi AM, Smucker B, Naber A, Wyrick C, Shaw C, Bennett K, Szekely S, Focke C, Wood KA (2017). “Controlling the Extrudate Swell in Melt Extrusion Additive Manufacturing of 3D Scaffolds: A Designed Experiment”, J Biomater Sci Polym Ed. 2018 Feb;29(3):195-216. Abstract Full Text
- Uth N, Mueller J, Smucker B, Yousefi AM (2017). “Validation of Scaffold Design Optimization in Bone Tissue Engineering: Finite Element Modeling versus Designed Experiments”, Biofabrication, 9(1):015023 Abstract Full Text
- Yousefi AM, James PF, Akbarzadeh R, Subramanian A, Flavin C, Oudadesse H (2016). “Prospects of Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering”, Stem Cells International, Volume 2016, Article ID 6180487, 13 pages. Abstract Full Text
- Akbarzadeh R, Minton J, Janney C, Smith T, James PF, Yousefi AM (2015). “Hierarchical Polymeric Scaffolds Support the Growth of MC3T3-E1 Cells”, Journal of Material Science: Materials in Medicine, 26(116):1-12. Abstract Full Text . (highlighted by the Global Medical Discovery - June 2015)
- Yousefi AM, Hoque ME, Prasa RGSV, Uth N (2014). “Current Strategies in Multiphasic Scaffold Design for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A. Abstract Full Text
- Yousefi AM, Oudadesse H, Akbarzadeh R, Wers E, Lucas-Girot A (2014). “Physical and Biological Characteristics of Nanohydroxypatite and Bioactive Glasses used for Bone Tissue Engineering”, Nanotechnology Reviews. Abstract Full Text
- Minton J, Janney C, Akbarzadeh R, Focke C, Subramanian A, Smith T, McKinney J, Liu J, Schmitz J, James PF, Yousefi AM (2014). “Solvent-free Polymer/Bioceramic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Fabrication, Analysis, and Cell Growth”, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition. Abstract Full Text
- Akbarzadeh R, Yousefi AM (2014). “Effects of Processing Parameters in Thermally Induced Phase Separation Technique on Porous Architecture of Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering”, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 102(6):1304-15. Abstract Full Text
- Iravani A, Mueller J, Yousefi AM (2014). “Producing Homogeneous Cryogel Phantoms for Medical Imaging: A Finite-Element Approach”, Journal of Biomaterials Science: Polymer Edition, 25:181-202. Abstract Full Text
- Yousefi AM, Love BJ (2013). “Probing the Temperature Sensitivity of Induction Time in Latent Cure Epoxy Resins”. Polymer International, 62:1451-1456. Abstract Full Text
- Minton JA, Iravani A, Yousefi AM (2012) “Improving the Homogeneity of Tissue-mimicking Cryogel Phantoms for Medical Imaging”, Medical Physics, 39:6796-6807. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, Zhou Y, Querejeta-Fernández A, Sun K, Kotov NA (2012). “Streptavidin Inhibits Self-Assembly of CdTe Nanoparticles”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 3:3249-3256. Abstract
- Coutu DL, Cuerquis J, El-Ayoubi R, Forner KA, Roy R, François M, Griffith M, Lillicrap D, Yousefi AM, Blostein MD, Galipeau J (2011). “Hierarchical Scaffold Design for Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Gene Therapy of Hemophilia B”, Biomaterials, 32:295-305. Abstract
- El-Ayoubi R, De Grandpré C, DiRaddo R, Patrick Lavigne, Yousefi AM (2011). “Design and Dynamic Culture of 3D Scaffolds for Cartilage Tissue Engineering”, Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 25:429-444. Abstract
- Coutu DL, Yousefi AM, Galipeau J (2009). “Three Dimensional Porous Scaffolds at the Crossroads of Tissue Engineering and Cell-Based Gene Therapy”, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 108:537-546. Abstract
- Stosich MS, Moioli EK, Wub JK, Lee CH, Rohde C, Yousefi AM, Ascherman J, Diraddo R, Marion NW, Mao JJ (2009) “Bioengineering Strategies to Generate Vascularized Soft Tissue Grafts with Sustained Shape”, Methods, 47: 116-121. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, den Doelder J, Rainville M-A, Koppi KA (2009). “A Modeling Approach to the Effect of Resin Characteristics on Parison Formation in Extrusion Blow Molding”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 49:251-263. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, Atsbha H (2009). “Modeling of Complex Parison Formation in Extrusion Blow Molding: Medium to Large Die-Head Size and Fuel Tank Geometry”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 49:229-239. Abstract
- El-Ayoubi R, Eliopoulos N, DiRaddo R, Galipeau J, Yousefi AM (2008). “Design and Fabrication of 3D Porous Scaffolds to Promote Cell-Based Gene Therapy”, Tissue Engineering, 14:1037-1048. Abstract
- Yousefi AM (2008). “3D Scaffolds Deliver Tissue Growth”, NRC Newslink, summer issue, page 5. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, Gauvin C, Sun L, DiRaddo RW, Fernandes J (2007). “Design and Fabrication of 3D-Plotted Polymeric Scaffolds in Functional Tissue Engineering”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 47:608-618. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, Collins P, Chang S, DiRaddo RW (2007). “A Comprehensive Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling of Parison Formation in Extrusion Blow Molding”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 47:1-13. Abstract
- Yousefi AM, Laroche D, Collins P, DiRaddo R (2003). “A New Hybrid Approach for the Prediction of Parison Swell in Extrusion Blow molding”, SPE Blow Molding Newsletter, Spring Edition, 4-5.
- Yousefi A, Bendada A, Diraddo R (2002). “Improved Modeling for the Reheat Phase in Thermoforming through an Uncertainty Treatment of the Key Parameters”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 42:1115-1129. Abstract
- Yousefi A, Lafleur PG, Gauvin R (1997). “Numerical Analysis of Promoted Polyester and Vinylester Reinforced Composites in RTM Molds”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 37:757-771. Abstract
- Yousefi A, Lafleur PG, Gauvin R (1997). “The Effects of Cobalt Promoter and Glass Fibers on the Curing Behavior of Unsaturated Polyester Resin”, Journal of Vinyl Additives Technology, 3:157-169. Abstract
- Yousefi A, Lafleur PG, Gauvin R (1997). “Kinetic Studies of Thermoset Cure Reactions - A Review”, Polymer Composites, 18:157-168. Abstract
- Yousefi A, Katbab AA (1994). “Post Irradiation Degradation of Polypropylene, Radiation Durability of Polypropylene Stabilized with Phenolic Stabilizer (II)”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 44:645-651.
- Hassanpour S, Yousefi A (1993). “Radiation Stabilization of Polypropylene by Phenolic Stabilizers”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 42:223-227.
- Katbab AA, Moushirabadi AY (1991). “Post-Irradiation Degradation of Polypropylene: Comparison of Hindered Aromatic Phenol and Amine as Gamma Stabilizer-I”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 38:295-301.