Gokhan Sahin, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 2001
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, 1997
- B.S., Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1996
Research Interests
- Wireless and optical communication
Research Bio
Gokhan Sahin received his master's degree in 1997 and his Ph.D. in 2001, from the University of Washington, Seattle, and his B.S. degree in 1996 from Bilkent University, all in electrical engineering.
Prior to joining Miami in 2004 he conducted research in the industry and the academia, including at AT&T Labs Research, Corvis Corporation, and the George Washington University.
In 2013 and 2014, Dr. Sahin served as the Nokia-Siemens Networks Chair Professor at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, awarded jointly by the National Science Foundation of Portugal and Nokia-Siemens Networks following an international competition.
He was also recognized as the CEC 2019 Outstanding Researcher of the Year.
Dr. Sahin's research interests are in computer and communication networks, with a focus on IoT and network security, public safety networks and mission-critical communications, optical and Internet-over-optical networks, network science, and data-center networks. He is internationally recognized for his contributions in the areas of survivability, control, and cross-layer management and design of optical and wireless networks.
Dr. Sahin's research has been funded by DARPA, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), National Science Foundation of Portugal, Nokia-Siemens Networks, DAGSI, and Coriant Networks. Sahin also established research and educational collaborations with institutions including Interdigital Communications, Technical University of Dortmund, Siemens, the Air Force Research Laboratory, and Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, one of Europe's top telecom R&D organizations.
He co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles, a book chapter, and two high-impact patents. His inventions were used in DARPA CORONET, by a consortium consisting of Telcordia, AT&T, Nortel, and USC. The total funding received by Dr. Sahin as PI/Co-PI is in excess of $2.3M.
Dr. Sahin is a guest-editor of IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, and an editor of IETE Technical Review. He also served the Miami University Honors Program in various roles as a member of the Honors and Scholars Program Admissions and Recruitment Committee and the University Senate Honors Program Advisory Committee.
Dr. Sahin served on the University Senate Faculty Welfare Committee, CEC Faculty Advisory Council, CEC Globalization Committee, and CEC Undergraduate Curriculum Committee and is a member of the editorial boards of several international journals and technical committees of numerous IEEE conferences.
Academic Experience
- 2004 -present, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Miami University, Oxford, OH
- 2004, Research Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
- 2002 -2004, Research Scientist, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, The George Washington University, Washington, DC
Professional Experience
- 2001 -2002, Senior Network Architect, Corvis Corporation, Columbia, MD
- Spring 2000, Metawave Communications, Redmond, WA
- Summer 1998, AT&T Labs Research, Red Bank, NJ
Honors and Awards
- Wayne C. and Grace Stanley Fellow, U. of Washington, 2000 –2001
- NATO/Turkish Scientific-Research Council award for graduate study 1996
- Top academic achievement scholarship awarded by Bilkent University, 1992 –1996
- KOC Foundation, superior achievement award, 1992
- Ranked 27th among ~1,000,000 applicants in national university entrance exam, Turkey, 1992
Principal Publications
- US Patent 7,088,676, August 2006. R. Doverspike, G. Sahin, J. Strand, R. Tkach, "Methods and Systems for fast restoration in a mesh network of optical cross-connects"
- US Patent 6,970,417, November 2005. R. Doverspike, G. Sahin, J. Strand, R. Tkach, "Methods and Systems for fast restoration in a mesh network of optical cross-connects"
Book Chapters
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Facilitating Service Level Agreements with Restoration Speed Requirements", in "Emerging Optical NetworkTechnologies,", Springer,2004.
Journal/Conference Articles
- Channel-Aware Scheduling ib Wireless Networks
- G. Sahin, F. Jin, A. Arora, H.A. Choi, "Predictive Scheduling in Multi-Carrier Wireless Networks with Link Adaptation", in proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Fall 2004.
- F. Jin, G. Sahin, A. Arora, H.A. Choi, "The Effects of the Sub-carrier Grouping on Multi-Carrier Channel-Aware Scheduling", in proceedings of Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium 2004
- Gigabit Internet: IP/MPLS-over-optical Networks
- S. Koo, G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Dynamic LSP Routing in IP/MPLS over WDM", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 2006 (to appear).
- W. Yao, G. Sahin, M. Li, and B .Ramamurthy"Analysis of Multi-Hop Traffic Grooming in WDM Mesh Networks", in proceedings of IEEE Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium 2005.
- S. Koo, G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Cost Efficient LSP Protection in IP-MPLS-over-WDM Overlay Networks", IEEE International Communication Conference 2003.
- Control-message scheduling/Quality of Service in Optical Networks
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Providing Quality of Protection Classes Through Control Message Scheduling in DWDM Mesh Networks with Capacity Sharing", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, November 2004.
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Online Control-Message Scheduling for Quality of Protection (QoP) in DWDM Mesh Networks", IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference, March 2003.
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Quality of Protection Through Control Message Scheduling in Optical Mesh Networks", 4th Int. Workshop on Design of Reliable Commun. Networks, 2003.
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, "Control Message Scheduling for Improving Restoration Times in Optical Mesh Networks", invited paper, IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, November 2002.
- Signaling/GMPLS-based-control for Restoration in Optical Networks
- G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, M. Azizoglu, "Signaling and Capacity Assignment for Mesh- Based Restoration Schemes in Optical Networks", OSA Journal of Optical Networking, May 2002
- R. Doverspike, G. Sahin, J. Strand, R. Tkach, "Fast Restoration in a Mesh Network of Optical Cross-connects", IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999.
- Capacity Optimization in DWDM Mesh Networks
- G. Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "Optical Layer Survivability for Single and Multiple Service Classes", Journal of High Speed Networks, special issue on survivable WDM networks, October 2001.
- G. Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "Optical Layer Survivability: Single Service Class Case", IEEE/SPIE Optical Networking and Communications Conference, 2000
- Wavelength Assignment in WDM Ring Networks
- G. Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "Wavelength Assignment Algorithms for Service and Restoration in WDM Rings", OSA Journal of Optical Networking, February 2002.
- G.Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "An Efficient Wavelength Assignment Algorithm for Service and Restoration in WDM Rings", IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference, March 2001.
- Multicasting in Wide-Area Optical Networks
- G. Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks with Multicast Traffic", European Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on WDM networks, January 2000.
- G. Sahin, M. Azizoglu, "Multicast Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Wide-area Networks", Proceedings of SPIE, All-Optical Communication Systems: Architecture, Control, and Network Issues IV, 1998
- Management in Optical Networks
- S. Stanic, G. Sahin, S. Subramaniam, H. Choi, H.-A. Choi, "Monitoring and Alarm Management in Transparent Optical Networks", submitted to IEEE JSAC, 2004.
- S. Stanic, S. Subramaniam, H. Choi, G. Sahin, H.-A. Choi, "Efficient Alarm Management in Optical Networks", 3rd DARPA Information Survivability Conference 2003.
- S. Stanic, S. Subramaniam, H. Choi, G. Sahin, H.-A. Choi, "On monitoring transparent optical networks", Workshop on Optical Networks (in conjunction with ICPP '02), August 2002.
Professional Society Involvement
- Technical Program Committee Member for : IEEE Globecom 2004 Wireless Communication and Networking Symposium (WCNS), IEEE Globecom 2005 WCNS, and IEEE Globecom 2006.
- Reviewer for numerous journals and conferences in the areas of wireless and optical communication and networking, including:
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE JSAC, Journal of High Speed Networks
- IEEE Communications Magazine, Optical Networks Magazine (Kluwer)
- IEEE Infocom; IEEE ICC; IEEE Globecom
- IEEE/SPIE Opticom/Broadnets, IFIP Optical Network Design and Management Conference -Member of the IEEE and ASEE