Assistant Professor
Center for Cybersecurity, Computer Science and Software Engineering
Suman Bhunia, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Nevada Reno, USA, 2017
- Masters of Technology, Distributed and Mobile Computing, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, 2010
- Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India, 2008
Research Interests
- Security
- Network security
- malicious code sensing/detection
- cyber-physical security
- wireless honeypot
- jamming attack
- spectrum fingerprinting
- IoT Security
- Wireless
- 5G LTE
- Cognitive radio
- dynamic spectrum access (DSA)
- cross-layer optimization
- ad hoc
- unmanned autonomous systems (UAS)
- Networking
- QoS and resource management
- Distributed Edge Computing
- end-to-end performance
- testbed implementation
Professional Experience
Research Experience
- Postdoctoral Researcher
Laboratory for Embedded & Networked Sensor Systems
Texas A&M University
2018–current - Postdoctoral Scholar
Computer Networking Lab
University of California
2017–2018 - Research Assistant
Computer Networking Lab
University of Nevada
2013–2017 - Research Assistant
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
City University of New York
2012–2013 - Research Fellow
Broadband Wireless Communication Lab
Jadavpur University
- Instructor
Computer Operating Systems
University of Nevada
2016–2017 - Instructor
Cyber Security Initiative for Nevada Teachers
University of Nevada
Summer 2016 - Teaching Assistant
Digital Design Laboratory
University of Nevada
2014–2016 - Adjunct Lecturer
Introduction to Computing, Operating System Laboratory
City College of New York
2011–2012 - Adjunct Lecturer
Computing and Informatics
Institute of Engineers, Kolkata, India
Awards and Fellowships
- 2018 Outstanding Thesis award from the Department of Computer Science, UNR
- 2017 Outstanding Graduate Student, UNR (Awarded only one student in the University)
- 2016 Outstanding graduate student of Department of Computer Science, UNR
- 2016 Outstanding Graduate Student by Graduate Student Association of UNR
- 2015 Outstanding International Graduate Student award, Graduate Student Association, UNR
- 2014–2016 International Graduate Student Award, Office of International Students, UNR (2 times)
- 2011–2013 Two year CUNY science Fellowship
- 2010 Paper entitles "Study of OPNET and performance evaluation of WiMAX network under various terrain conditions in OPNET" won the best student paper award at the National Conference on Microwave and Communication NCMicroCom-2010
- 2008 2010 Two year full scholarship for M. Tech Programme for qualifying Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, GATE (All-India basis)
Peer Reviewed Publications
- S. Bhunia, M. Khan, M. Yuksel, and S. Sengupta. In-band los discovery using highly directional transceivers. Ad Hoc Networks, 91:101875, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.5).
- M. Khan, S. Bhunia, M. Yuksel, and L. Kane. Line-of-sight discovery in 3d using highly directional transceivers. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.82).
- S. Bhunia, E. Miles, S. Sengupta, and F. Vazquez-Abad. Cr-honeynet: A cognitive radio learning and decoy based sustenance mechanism to avoid intelligent jammer. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 4(3):567–581, 2018.
- S. Bhunia, P. A. Regis, and S. Sengupta. Distributed Adaptive Beam Nulling to Survive Against Jamming in 3D UAV Mesh Networks. Elsevier Computer Networks, 137:83–97, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.0).
- S. Mneimneh, S. Bhunia, S. Sengupta, and F. Vazquez-Abad. A game-theoretic and stochastic survivability mechanism against induced attacks in cognitive radio networks. Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 40:577–592, 2017. (Impact Factor: 2.8).
- S. Bhunia, V. Behzadan, P. A. Regis, and S. Sengupta. Adaptive Beam Nulling in Multihop Ad hoc Networks Against a Jammer in Motion. Elsevier Computer Networks, 109:50 – 66, 2016. Special issue on Recent Advances in Physical-Layer Security (Impact Factor: 3.0).
- S. Bhunia, S. Sengupta, and F. Vázquez-Abad. Performance Analysis of CR-honeynet to Prevent Jamming Attack Through Stochastic Modeling. Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 21:133–149, 2015. (Impact Factor: 2.8).
- T. Chakraborty, A. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. An Optimization Technique for Improved VoIP Performance over Wireless LAN. Journal of Networks, 7(3):480– 493, 2012. (Impact Factor: 1.2).
- S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, S.K. Sanyal, and A. Kundu. Performance study of mobile WiMAX network with changing scenarios under different modulation and coding. Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, 24(8):1087–1104, 2011. (Impact Factor: 1.3).
- A. Kundu, I.S. Misra, S.K. Sanyal, and S. Bhunia. VoIP performance over broadband wireless networks under static and mobile environments. International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol, 2(4), 2010. (20 citations).
- A. Murthy, C. Green, R. Stoleru, S. Bhunia, A. Swanson, and T. Chaspari. Machine Learning-based Irrigation Control Optimization. In BuildSys. IEEE, 2019.
- S. Bhunia and S. Sengupta. Implementation of Interface Agility for Duplex Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Using USRP. In Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). IEEE, 2017.
- S. Bhunia and S. Sengupta. Distributed Adaptive Beam Nulling to Mitigate Jamming in 3D UAV Mesh Networks. In 2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). IEEE, 2017. (acceptance rate 29%).
- P. A. Regis, S. Bhunia, and S. Sengupta. Enhancing Performance and Longevity of Multi-radio Multi-channel HetNets through Dynamic Path-assignment. In 2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). IEEE, 2017. (acceptance rate 29%).
- S. Bhunia, M. Khan, S. Sengupta, and M. Yuksel. LOS Discovery for Highly Directional Full Duplex RF/FSO Transceivers. In Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2016.
- M. Khan, S. Bhunia, M. Yuksel, and S. Sengupta. LOS Discovery in 3D for Highly Directional Transceivers. In Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2016.
- P. A. Regis, S. Bhunia, and S. Sengupta. Implementation of 3D Obstacle Compliant Mobility Models for UAV Networks in Ns-3. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Ns-3, WNS3 ’16, pages 124–131, 2016.
- S. Bhunia, V. Behzadan, and S. Sengupta. Enhancement of spectrum utilization in noncontiguous DSA with online defragmentation. In Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), pages 432–437. IEEE, 2015.
- S. Bhunia, V. Behzadan, P.A. Regis, and S. Sengupta. Performance of Adaptive Beam Nulling in Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks under Jamming. In IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS), 2015. 7 citations.
- S. Bhunia, S. Sengupta, and F. Vazquez-Abad. CR-Honeynet: A Learning & Decoy Based Sustenance Mechanism against Jamming Attack in CRN. In Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), pages 1173–1180. IEEE, 2014. (10 citations).
- S. Bhunia, X. Su, S. Sengupta, and F. Vázquez-Abad. Stochastic model for Cognitive Radio Networks under jamming attacks and honeypot-based prevention. In 15 th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN). Springer, Jan 2014. (13 citations).
- S. Das, S. Barman, and S. Bhunia. Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation Algorithms Categorized Under Rate Controlling Parameters. In Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, page 8. ACM, 2014.
- S. Bhunia and S. Sengupta. Feasibility of channel hopping in jamming attack. IEEE TCSIM Newsletter, (19):2–5, 2013.
- E. Troja, K. Ezirim, and S. Bhunia. Route aware dynamic channel scheduling and selection for multi-hop cognitive radio networks. In IEEE 78 th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2013-Fall. IEEE, 2-5 September 2013.
- A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Chakraborty, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. Study of enhanced voip performance under congested wireless network scenarios. In International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS). IEEE, 2011. (10 citations).
- T. Chakraborty, A. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. Analysis and enhancement of qos in cognitive radio network for effiCient voip performance. In World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT). IEEE, 2011.
- A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Chakraborty, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. An adaptive jitter buffer playout algorithm for enhanced voip performance. In International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY). Springer, 2011.
- T. Chakraborty, A. Mukhopadhyay, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. Optimizing voip call in diverse network scenarios using state-space search technique. In International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY), pages 231–242. Springer, 2011.
- A. Kundu, S. Bhunia, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. Comparison of voip performance over wimax, wlan and wimax-wlan integrated network using opnet. In International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks. Springer, 2010
- S. Bhunia, A. Kundu, I.S. Misra, and S.K. Sanyal. Reducing hand-off latency in wimax network using cross layer information. In International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering (ACE), pages 346–348. IEEE, 2010.
Patent Invention Disclosure
M. R. Khan, S. Bhunia, M. Yuksel, and S. Sengupta, Directional Link Discovery and Maintenance Between Mobiles, USPTO patent application PCT/US17/32731, May 15, 2017.
Proposal Preparation
- TAMU Prepared a part of the proposal, “Deploying Defenses for Cellular Networks Using the AWARE Testbed”, submitted to DHS in 2019
- TAMU Prepared a part of the proposal, “DAAR: Drone-Augmented Augmented Reality for CyberHuman Physical Systems”, submitted to NSF CPS in 2019
- UC Davis Prepared a part of the proposal, “Building Low-Power Wide Area Networking Systems for Smart City IoT Applications”, submitted to NSF ICE-T in 2018
- UNR Helped my advisor writing in a proposal, “EffiCient Spectrum Access Utilizing Unmanned Autonomous Systems”, submitted to NSF EARS in 2014
Research Projects
- 2018–present Secured Edge Computing for Disaster Response Network, Postdoctoral research.
- Design EdgeKeeper - A distributed coordination scheme for Edge Network to facilitate Security, Naming, and Service discovery in Opportunistic network.
- Implementing EdgeKeeper using Java and Android that utilizes Zookeeper, GNS, etc.
- 2017–2018 Security in cyber-physical system, Postdoctoral research.
- Designed BF-IoT - a Wireless fingerprinting-based authentication mechanism in IoT.
- Securing privacy leakage in Bluetooth based IoT network
- Design authentication mechanisms in Voice based personal assistant such as Alexa.
- 2013–2017 Survivability Against Intelligent Adversary in Next-Generation Wireless Networks, Ph.D. Dissertation.
- Explored honeynet-based defense mechanism for cognitive radio networks under jamming attack.
- Designed stochastic learning mechanism to perceive attacker's strategy by wireless fingerprint.
- Formulated queue model with fixed vacation to analyze traffic behavior of cognitive radios. The effectiveness of the proposed mechanism has been evaluated on a state-of-the-art high spectrum agile radio testbed comprising several USRP software defined radios which are controlled using open source GNURadio.
- 2015–2017 Neighbor Discovery in Directional Communication, Lead Student.
- Proposed line-of-sight (LOS) discovery methods for mobile nodes with full directional tranceivers. Works both for directional RF and free-space-optics (FSO) networks.
- Modified helix equations to optimize neighbor discovery scanning in 3D. This work has been evaluated with a prototype built with an off-the-shelf-robot car, IR tranceivers and Raspberry Pi as the controller. In addition, one patent application has been filed in collaboration with M Khan and Dr. M Yuksei.
- 2015–2016 Jamming Avoidance Multihop 3D UAS Mesh Networds, Lead Student.
- Examined the performance of adaptive beam nulling as a mitigation technique against jamming attacks in multihop ad hoc networks.
- Proposed Kalman filter based tracking model to predict movement of the jammer with discrete DoA estimation; and optimized the beam null region based on stochastic model.
- Built 3D mobility model for UAVs in ns3.
- 2010 2011 Enhance Performance of Voice Service for Congested Networks, Research Fellow.
- Proposed optimization mechanism for SIP based VoIP service over wireless networks.
- Proposed effective adaptive jitter playout buffer algorithm for real-time application.
- Built MAC layer for cognitive radio in OPNET using Proto-C.
- Designed cross Layer optimization model of VoIP end-to-end QoS over cognitive radio.
- 2009 2010 Real Time Traffic over WiMAX, Masters Dissertation.
- Evaluated performance of WiMAX under mobility, pathloss models, traffic type and scheduling.
- Investigated VoIP service in WiMAX, WiFi, and integrated WiMAX-WiFi networks.
- Reduced hand-off delay for WiMAX networks by 50% through integrating Mobile IP and MAC.
Testbed Development and Demonstration
- 2018–2020 EdgeKeeper-A Resilient Coordination service for Edge Computing.
- Designed and Implemented EdgeKeeper, a distributed coordination service for edge networks.
- EdgeKeeper provides naming, service discovery, and authentication services.
- Built the system using Java. It utilizes ZooKeeper for distributed fault tolerance.
- Integrated with Global Naming Scheme (GNS) based GUID as resource identities.
- PKCS12 based authentication and authorization are used when disconnected from Internet.
- Successfully demonstrated EdgeKeeper and its integration with other Distressnet-NG applications at NIST PSCR meeting in Chicago and at NIST outdoor deployment at Gypsum, Colorado.
- Deployed EdgeKeeper for a team of first responders in a real life search and rescue operation at the Winter Institute at Disaster City
- 2015–2017 Dynamic Spectrum Access Testbed with GNURadio
- Implemented frequency agile cognitive radio testbed using USRP, GNURadio.
- Inspected performance for channel aggregation, fragmentation, jamming attacks, etc.
- Implemented full duplex transmission using single radio device.
- Implemented dynamic spectrum selection in multi hop mesh networks.
- 2013–2014 Mobile Frequency agile Testbed.
- Built on top of Atheros chips and ath5k as the WiFi driver.
- Investigated pseudo random channel hopping to mitigate jamming.
Student Advisement
Graduate Students
- 2019–2020— Mohammad Sagor, MS student, TAMU, topic: Resilient Mobile Distributed File System for Delay Tolerant Edge Networks
- 2018–2019— Akshay Murthy, MS student, TAMU, topic:Machine Learning-based Irrigation control Optimization
- 2014–2017— Paulo Regis, PhD student, UNR, Topic: Joint Routing and Position Control in 3D UAV Mesh Networks
- 2016–2017— Manash Saha, MS student, UNR, Topic: LTE-WiFi Coexistence
Undergrad students
- 2016— Dat Luu, UNR, Topic: Testbed Development for Spectrum Agility in Mesh Networks
- 2016— Edward Miles, UNR, Topic: Testbed development of Jamming Resistance Networks using GNURadio and USRPs
International Professional Activities
Session Chair at International Conferences
- International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (IEEE CSS) 2015, New York, USA. Track - Active Defense Techniques and Systems
Technical Program Committee
- Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)—2017, 2018, 2019
- Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec)—2017
- International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)—2015, 2016
Selected Journal/Conference Reviewer
- IEEE Communications Magazine
- IEEE Networking Letters
- IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing
- IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
- IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing
- Elsevier Computer Networks
- Elsevier Computer Communications
- Elsevier Physical Communications
- Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems
- IEEE Globecom
- GameSec
Leadership and Committee Experience
- 2014–2017 Elected thrice as a college of engineering representative at UNR Graduate Student Association
- 2015–2017 Elected twice as the chair of the clubs and organizations committee of UNR GSA
- 2014–2017 Serving budget committee of UNR GSA
- 2014–2017 Serving judicial committee of UNR GSA
- 2014–2015 Elected vice president of Computer Science Graduate Student Club, UNR
- 2013–2015 Elected twice as the vice president of Indian Student Organization, UNR