Xianglong Feng, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, May 2021
- M.S., Computer Application Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 2015
- B.S., Communication Engineering, China University of Petroleum, July 2012
Research Summary
My research has been focused on the multimedia system, including improving the user experience quality and resolving the security issues in a bottom-up method. I have a solid research background with AI, computer vision, embedded system, hardware security, mobile computing, VR/AR and HCI. More specifically, I have conducted research projects including:
- Viewport prediction for live Virtual Reality video streaming using deep video content analysis and user feedback.
- Improving the privacy and security of multimedia system following a bottom up approach, from the low-level hardware security of the heterogeneous platform to the upper-level software algorithm (e.g. machine learning).
Besides, during my internship, I extend my research areas and focus on the problems of the next generation wireless communication (6G), using AI to solve the complicated parameters estimation of large intelligent surface. Furthermore, I am conducting research to bridge the gap between the next generation wireless communication network and the emerging multimedia system. Here is my professional summary:
- 8 peer-reviewed publications and 6 academic presentations.
- 2 undergraduate research grants.
- 2.5-year teaching experience honored with Best Teaching Assistant Award.
Professional Experience
- Research Intern
Futurewei, Wireless Communication Lab
May 2020 – August 2020 - Graduate Research Assistant
Rutgers University – New Brunswick, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
September 2018 – Present - Graduate Research Assistant
University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
August 2016 – August 2018 - Graduate Research Assistant
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science
August 2015 – May 2016 - Graduate Research Assistant
Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Science Space Center
August 2013 – May 2015
- Xianglong Feng, Zeyang Bao, Sheng Wei, “LiveObj: Object Semantics-based Viewport Prediction for Live Mobile Virtual Reality Streaming.” conditionally accepted by IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), March 2021.
- Xianglong Feng, Mengmei Ye, Ke xia, Sheng Wei, “Runtime Fault Injection Detection for FPGA-based DNN Execution Using Siamese Path Verification.” Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), February 2021.
- Sheen B, Yang J, Xianglong Feng, Chowdhury, M. “A Digital Twin for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Wireless Communication[J]”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.00454, 2020.
- Zhongze Tang, Xianglong Feng, Yi Xie, Huy Phan, Tian Guo, Bo Yuan, Sheng Wei, “VVSec: Securing Volumetric Video Streaming via Benign Use of Adversarial Perturbation”, ACM Multimedia Conference (MM), October 2020.
- Xianglong Feng, Yao Liu, Sheng Wei, “LiveDeep: Online Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming Using Lifelong Deep Learning IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), March 2020
- Xianglong Feng, Zeyang Bao, Sheng Wei, “Exploring CNN-based Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming”. IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), December 2019.
- Mengmei Ye, Xianglong Feng, Sheng Wei, “Runtime Hardware Security Verification Using Approximate Computing: A Case Study on Video Motion Detection”. Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST), December 2019.
- Xianglong Feng, Viswanathan Swaminathan, Sheng Wei, “Viewport Prediction for Live 360-Degree Mobile Video Streaming Using User-Content Hybrid Motion Tracking.” Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 3, 2, Article 43, 22 pages, June 2019.
- Mengmei Ye, Xianglong Feng, Sheng Wei, “HISA: Hardware Isolation-based Secure Architecture for CPU-FPGA Embedded Systems.” International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), Article No. 90, November 2018.
- Xianglong Feng, Mengmei Ye, Viswanathan Swaminathan, Sheng Wei, “Towards the Security of Motion Detection-based Video Surveillance on IoT Devices.” ACM Multimedia Conference - Thematic Workshop, October 2017.
- Xianglong Feng, Benjie Wei, Xiujie Jiang. “Design of Video Capture and Codec based on DM368.”, Electronic Design Engineering, June 2015
Oral Presentations
- "LiveDeep: Online Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming Using Lifelong Deep Learning."
- "Towards the Security of Motion Detection-based Video Surveillance on IoT Devices." ACM Multimedia Conference - Thematic Workshop, October 2017.
Poster Presentations
- "Exploring CNN-based Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming." IEEE AIVR 2019
- "Exploring CNN-based Viewport Prediction for Live Virtual Reality Streaming" Annual Research Day, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University, December 2019.
- "Viewport Prediction for Live 360-Degree Mobile Video Streaming Using User-Content Hybrid Motion Tracking." Annual Research Day, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rutgers University, December 2018.
- "Towards the Security of Motion Detection-based Video Surveillance on IoT Devices." ACM Multimedia Conference - Thematic Workshop, October 2017.
Teaching Experience
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Rutgers University – New Brunswick, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Digital System Design
- Fall 2020 ( Lead TA, 123 students in lecture section, and 75 students in lab section)
- Fall 2019 ( Lead TA, 145 students in lecture section, and 90 students in lab section)
- Fall 2018 ( Lead TA, 161 students in lecture section, and 102 students in lab section)
- Software Engineering
- Spring 2019 (The only TA, 134 students)
- Computer Architecture and Assembly Code
- Spring 2020 (42 students in the lecture and lab section)
Undergraduate Research Grants
- Large distance repeater for walkie talkie using VOIP. National University Student Innovation Program, 2010, $1500. Role: PI
- Smart sensing for modem greenhouse agriculture. College Student Innovation Program, 2009, $300. Role: Co-Investigator
Accomplishments and Awards
Best Teaching Assistant
Fall 2018
- ECE graduate program academic achievement award, Rutgers University.
Academic achievement award
- For achieving GPA 4.0. Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Qilu Software Design Contest: First Prize
- China University of Petroleum.
National Electronic Design Contest: Third Prize
- China University of Petroleum.
Scholarship for academic achievement ×2
- China University of Petroleum.
Scholarship for innovation in science and technology ×2
- Award for academic competition, China University of Petroleum.
President of the Radio Association
China University of Petroleum