Associate Professor
Ganiva Reyes
Ganiva Reyes is an Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching, Curriculum, and Educational Inquiry at Miami University, Oxford Ohio. Her research revolves around intersectionality, Chicana feminist theory, and pedagogies of care to provide a nuanced approach to topics of diversity and inclusion in teacher education. She uses feminist of color and Chicana/Latina feminist theories to make sense of the everyday educational lives of students and teachers. She also integrates culturally relevant teaching, ethics of care, and feminist of color theorizing to show how teachers can re-envision their roles as teachers to be part of a support network for culturally and linguistically diverse students. More specifically, she explores the intimate and interpersonal aspects of teaching, and how teachers need communal and institutional support to provide the same for their students. For example, her work about the interactions between Latina mothering students and their teachers, along the U.S/Mexico border, reveals important lessons about teacher practices and pedagogy born from the knowledges of Latinx populations.
Additionally, Dr. Reyes engages with gender and sexuality studies in education, as well as feminist and gender theories, to expand the scope what counts as cultural diversity in education. Through her work, she shows how justice-oriented curriculum and pedagogy should take into account the race-gendered-classed dimensions of students’ lives in order to be truly culturally relevant.
Dr. Reyes has presented her work on these topics in education conferences including the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) and American Educational Research Association (AERA). She has published several peer-reviewed articles in academic journals including: International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education; Critical Studies in Education; Journal of Latinos in Education, Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies; Urban Review; and Curriculum Inquiry. She has also produced book chapters and encyclopedia pieces about curriculum, the Latinx diaspora, and feminist theories in education.
Professional Profile
Research interests
Theories and pedagogies of care, justice-oriented teacher education, cultural knowledge of teachers, Latinx youth studies and education, Latinx curriculum theorizing, Chicana feminist theories, gender and sexuality studies in education, feminist epistemologies and pedagogies, curriculum theory, cultural studies in education, qualitative research methods
Professional Affiliations
- 2020-present, Professors of Curriculum Honorary Society
- 2011-present, American Educational Studies Association
- 2010-present, American Educational Research Association
Leadership Positions
- Fall 2020-Present, Editorial Advisory Board, Literacy Research: Theory, Method, and Practice (LR:TMP).
- Spring 2020-Present, Program Chair for the Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG,.
- Fall 2018-Present, AESA Executive Council (EC), Member of executive board at-large of the American Education Studies Association.
- Fall 2019-Fall 2020, Program Co-Chair, Division B, Section 5. The Places and Praxis of Curriculum.
Professional Licensures and Certifications
- 2006 – Present , Life Sciences Grades 8-12, Texas State Board for Educator Certification
Program Associations at Miami University
- Affiliate Faculty Status, Department of Educational Leadership
*Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Reyes, G. (Accepted, 2021). “Why are you so mean Ms!?”: When gendered classroom dynamics interfere with teacher-student relationships. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: The Annual Journal for the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum.
Reyes, G., Barrios, V., Banda, R., Aronson, B., Claros Berlioz, E., & Castañeda, M. (Accepted, 2021). Transgressing the Personal/Professional Divide: Reconnecting and Healing Through Testimonio Within a Latina Diaspora Collaborative Group. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education.
Reyes, G., Aronson, B., Batchelor, K. E., Ross, G., & Radina, R. (2021). Working in Solidarity: An intersectional self-study methodology as a means to inform social justice teacher education. Action in Teacher Education.
Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Banda, R., Barrios, V., Castañeda, M., Claros Berlioz, E.* (2020). Improvising a space for us: A testimonio from a Latina Diaspora Group. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 17(3), 266-274.
Reyes, G. (2020). Borderland Pedagogies of Cariño: Theorizing relationships of care from teacher practice with Latina mothering students. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Reyes, G. (2020). Integrated networks of care: Supporting teachers who care for Latina mothering students. Critical Studies in Education.
Reyes, G. (2020). “If it hadn’t been for my baby”: Previously disengaged Latina students redefine smartness through motherhood. Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 42(4), 331-351.
Reyes, G., Banda, R. M, & Caldas, B. (2020). “We’re all in this boat together:” Latina/Chicana embodied pedagogies of care. Journal of Latinos in Education.
Pérez II, D., Aronson, B., Reyes, G., Ironstrack, G., Kimple, K., Birkenhauer, L., Bermudez, G., Carrubba-Whetstine, C., & Walsh, E.K. (2020). Advancing new understandings of minoritized student success at a selective, midwestern university: Perspectives from a faculty learning community. Learning Communities Journal, 12, 81-110. link
Aronson, B., Banda, R., Johnson, A., Kelly, M., Radina, R., Reyes, G., Sander, S., & Wronowski, M. (2020). The social justice teaching collaborative: A collective turn towards critical teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies Research, 2(2), 21-39.
Reyes, G. (2019). Teen mom student of the month: Ethics of care, school structure, and reconfiguring what it means to be a good student. Urban Education.
Reyes, G., & Sander, S. (2019). Tensions between urgency and scaffolding students into social justice education: Keeping an open mind as researchers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue: The Annual Journal for the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, 21(1&2), 123–126.
Boveda, M., Reyes, G., Aronson, B. (2019). Disciplined to access the general education curriculum: Girls of color, dis/abilities, and specialized education programming. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(4), 405-425.
Reyes, G., Radina, R., & Aronson, B. (2018). Teaching against the grain as an act of love: Disrupting white Eurocentric masculinist frameworks within teacher education. The Urban Review, 50(5), 818-835.
Peer-Reviewed Encyclopedia Entries
Reyes, G. (2021). “Latinx Curriculum Theorizing.” In M. F. He & W. Schubert (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Reyes, G., Banda, R. M., & Schultz, B. D. (2021). “Critical Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy.” In M. F. He & W. Schubert (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Banda R., Reyes, G., & Caldas, B. (2020). “Curricula of Care and Radical Love.” In M. F. He & W. Schubert (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. New York: Oxford University Press.
Book Chapters (Reviewed)
Johnson, A., Coomer, N., Reyes, G., & Aronson, B. (Accepted, Spring 2021). Coalition with/in the boundaries: A radical love response to neoliberal debilitation in special education. In D.I. Hernández-Saca, H. Pearson, & C. Kramarczuk Voulgarides. (Eds.). Understanding the boundaries between disability studies and special education through consilience, self-study, and radical love. Lexington Books.
Reyes, G. (2019). “Un puño de tierra”: Curriculum and pedagogy theorizing along the U.S/Mexico border. In T. R. Berry, C. Kalinec-Craig, & M. Rodriguez (Eds.), Latinx Curriculum Theorizing (pp. 117-133). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Aronson, B, Batchelor, K. E., Radina, R., Reyes, G., & Ross, G. (2018). Making the familiar strange: Crossing disciplinary borders to foster self-study and critical reflexivity within a social justice curriculum. In D. Garbett & A. Ovens (Eds.) Pushing Boundaries and Crossing Borders: Self-study as a Means for Researching Pedagogy (pp. 303-310). Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices.
- EDT 190
- EDT 205
- EDT 225
- EDT 610
- EDL 621
- EDT 246
- EDT 284
- EDT 311
Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Women's and Gender Studies, University of Texas at Austin
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University
B.A. Biology, Minor: Women's and Gender Studies, Texas A&M University