Katherine Kuvalanka
Katherine (Kate) A. Kuvalanka (she/her) earned her Ph.D. in family studies from the University of Maryland, College Park, and joined the Miami University faculty in 2007. Her research has focused on sexuality and gender socialization more broadly, and more specifically on families with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) family members. She is interested in how factors in various contexts (e.g., family, school, legal climate) pose challenges to, and foster resilience among, families with LGBTQ members. She has taught various courses, including “Family Policy and Law” and “Diverse Family Systems across the Life Cycle.” She has received funding from the Williams Institute at the University of California Los Angeles School of Law, the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, the National Council on Family Relations, and the American Psychological Foundation. She is principal investigator of the Trans*Kids Project (http://transkids.info/), a longitudinal study of 50 families with transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) children, which began more than a decade ago. Her research related to custody cases involving TGD children has been cited in regional and national news outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, New York Magazine, Vox, and Harper’s Bazaar.
Community Involvement
Member, Board of Directors, The Family Resource Center (2022-present)
Member, Board of Directors, Oxford Area PFLAG (2018-2022)
Honors, Awards, and Grants
Most recent honors and awards:
Recipient, Faculty Advocacy Award, The Dennis L. Carlson Sexuality Education Studies Center, Miami University, 2022
Recipient, Richard T. Delp Outstanding Faculty Award, 2021-2022
Most recent external grant:
2018 Grant-in-Aid, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Trans*Kids Project (Wave 3): A Longitudinal Study of Families with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Children. P.I.: Katherine A. Kuvalanka, Ph.D.; Co-Investigator: Abbie E. Goldberg, Ph.D. (Funded: $1,400)
Navigating the Gray: Trans Kids Caught in Custody Crossfires:
Discover the untold struggles of transgender children within the family court system in our podcast episode with Professor Katherine Kuvalanka.
Understanding and Supporting Transgender Children: A New Perspective
Discover groundbreaking research on the well-being of transgender and gender-nonconforming children. Hear from experts and parents who share their experiences and insights into how affirmation and support can lead to happier, healthier lives for these young individuals.
FSW 206
FSW 261
Ph.D., Family Science, University of Maryland, College Park
M.S. Specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Maryland, College Park