Kathy Mecoli
Kathy Mecoli (Ph.D. Miami University) has been instrumental in the department’s development of field-based school leadership programs that are responsive to both students and the school districts in which they work. In addition to mentoring school leadership interns at the VOALC, she coordinates school leadership M.Ed. programs with Dublin City Schools and with the Mercer County ESC. These collaborative efforts have resulted in sustained, socially just practices that strengthen relationships, deepen understanding of complex issues, and build communities committed to transformative education. Kathy has experience as a central office administrator and school principal in both public and private schools.
Ph.D., Miami University
M.A., Truman University
B.Ed., Miami University
Key Professional Appointments
Clinical Professor
Miami University
Educational Leadership Department
2011- present
Visiting Professor
Miami University
Educational Leadership Department
Student Services
Mad River Local Schools
The Miami Valley School
Virginia Stevenson Elementary
K-4, Mad River Local Schools
Teaching Associate
Miami University
Sociocultural Studies in Education
University of Dayton
Music and Art in the Elementary School
Summers 1993-1996
Current Title
Clinical Professor
School Leadership
Educational Leadership Department
Miami University, Oxford, OH
Ph.D. in Educational Leadership
Concentration in Curriculum
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Master of Arts in Aesthetic Education
Truman University
Kirksville, Missouri
Master of Education in Counseling
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Bachelor of Music
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Awards and Honors
Permanent Certificates
Music, K-12
Humanities, 7-12
History, 7-12
Five-Year License
Guidance Counselor
Ohio Teacher Evaluator
Ohio Principal Evaluator
Ohio Resident Educator Mentor
Preparing Educational Leaders in Partnerships of Practice, Presentation, Ohio Dean’s Compact for Exceptional Children Conference, Dublin, Ohio; 2014
A Field Trip Outside the Ivory Tower: The Redesign and Delivery of an Innovative Educational Leadership Program; Panel Discussion, UCEA Annual Convention; Pittsburg PA; 2011
Response to Intervention: Implementing a Successful Comprehensive Program; Presentation; Ohio School Board Association Annual Conference; Columbus, OH; 2008