Paul Branscum
Courses Taught
- KNH 218 Applied Health Behavior Change
- KNH 262 Public Health Education
- KNH 462/562 Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation
- KNH 611 Behavioral Approaches to Health Promotion and Education
Research Interests
As a health promotion and public health scholar, my mission is to enhance the quality of life of individuals in the communities surrounding us, so that we can all live healthy and prosperous lives. This is best achieved through systematic planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs, which is the common thread that describes my teaching, research and service activities. My research mainly focuses on predicting and changing obesogenic health behaviors using theory-based approaches. Such research is critical for planning public health programs, because it helps inform decisions for practice by identifying modifiable targets for health behavior change. Additionally, my research has focused on implementing, and evaluating public health interventions by utilizing process and impact evaluations. I believe both of these issues are vital in understanding the efficacy and effectiveness of our public health programs, and will ultimately help us answer questions about interventions such as: What works? When does it work? And with whom does it work best?
Specific areas of interest for my research include:
- Predicting and changing obesogenic health behaviors among children, parents and young adults
- Childhood Obesity Prevention
- Nutrition
- Theories and Techniques of Behavior Change
- Measurement issues related to Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control
- Instrument/Survey Development and Validation
Recent Publications
- Sharma, M., & Branscum, P. (2020). Introduction to community and public health. (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [1st edition: 2014] ISBN# 978-1-1184-1055-4.
- Sharma, M., & Branscum, P. (2021). Foundations of mental health promotion. (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. [1st edition: 2013] ISBN# 978-128-41-99758.
Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
- Branscum, P., & Hackman, C. (in press). Preventing sexual violence within the continuum: differences in bystander intervention engagement among college students". Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
- Branscum, P., Hirko, G., Rush- Griffin, S., & Hackman, C. (in press). Does a history with sexual assault impact bystander intervention engagement? Journal of Gender-Based Violence.
- Branscum, P., & Weakley. (in press). Adults' beliefs about eating the USDA vegetable subgroups: A Theory of Planned Behavior Elicitation. Health Behavior Research.
- Branscum, P., & Keysor, P. (2024). Defining parenting practices for reducing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among preschoolers. Health Promotion Practice, 25(2), 204-212.
- Rush-Griffin, S. E., Hackman, C., Branscum, P., & Gautam, N. (2023). Class standing differences in bystander intervention intentions to prevent sexual assault: a reasoned action approach. Health Behavior Research, 6(4), 1-17.
- Branscum, P., & Gresla, A. (2023). Measuring barriers of behavior change: How to better operationalize psychosocial constructs of control. Journal of Community Psychology, 51(4), 1622-1633.
- Branscum, P., Rush-Griffith, S., Hackman, C., Castle, A., & Katague, M. (2023). The role of moral norms as a determinant of intentions to engage in bystander intervention to prevent sexual assault. Journal of Community Psychology, 51(1), 334-344.
- Miller, B., & Branscum, P. (2023). Evaluating the association between artificial sweetener intake and indicators of stress and anxiety. Community Health Equity Research & Policy, 43(3), 339-342.
- Speed, S., Ward, R. M. Budd, K., Branscum, P., Barrios, V., & Miljkovic, K. (2023). Drunkorexia and alcohol included blackouts among college students: an exploratory study. Alcohol, 110(2023), 51-56.
- Branscum, P. (2022). A perspective on the Motivation to Comply social norms construct. Health Behavior Research, 5(2), 1-13.
- Branson, O., Geller, K., & Branscum, P. (2022). Reasoned action approach to analyze differences in athletes’ physical activity behaviors during COVID-19. Health Behavior Research, 5(3), 1-7.
- Hackman, C. L., Branscum, P., Rush-Griffin, S. E., Castle, A., & Hagadorn, E. (2022). Gender differences in bystander intervention intentions to prevent sexual assault: a reasoned action approach. Journal of School Violence, 21(3), 237-251.
- Hackman, C., Rush-Griffin, S., Branscum, P., Castle, A., & Katague, M. (2022). Development and validation of an instrument measuring determinants of bystander intervention to prevent sexual assault: an application of the reasoned action approach. Health Behavior Research, 5(1).
- Schisler, E. D., Branscum, P., Buckley, L., McCann, R., Richardson, E., Luzuis, A., & Dobbs, P, D. (2022). A reasoned action approach to pregnant smokers’ intention to switch to e-cigarettes: does educational attainment influence theory application? Health Behavior Research, 5(3), 1-17.
- Smith, P., Ward, R. M., Bartoszek, L., & Branscum, P. (2022). College students’ use patterns of electronic nicotine delivery systems and other substances in the U.S. Journal of American College Health, 70(6), 1882–1888.
- Sorcher, J., & Branscum, P. (2022). Behaviour change techniques used in binge drinking interventions among university students: a systematic review. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 40(3), 322–337.
- Speed, S., Branscum, P., & Gresla, A. (2022). Comparing predictors of intentions for physical activity participation between normal and overweight military spouses. American Journal of Health Education, 53(4), 248–255.
- Speed, S., Ward, R. M., Haus, L., Branscum, P., Budd, K. M., Barrios, V., Lemons, K., & Humenay, H. (2022). A systematic review of common drunkorexia measures: Examining gender differences across scales. American Journal of Health Education, 53(5), 342-359.
Awarded Fellow status for the American Academy of Health Behavior - 2019
Awarded Fellow status for the Society of Behavioral Medicine - 2021
Recent Grants
Research Seed Grant for funds to support the project Evaluating Theory-Based Beliefs of Specific Bystander Intervention Practices to Better Promote Sexual Violence Prevention on College Campuses (2023-2024), funded by Miami University, College of Education, Health and Society, $4950.00.
Role: Principal Investigator
Assessing the Behavioral Implications of AiZtech’s iSelfie Pre-Screen App for COVID-19 Among College Students. (2023-2024), funded by Aiztech Laboratories. $28,680.00
Role: Principal Investigator
Grant for funds to support the project Myaamia Nipwaayoni: Tribal Knowledge as a Source of Well-Being and Revitalization in Indigenous Communities. (2022-2025), funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $472,397.00
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Daryl Baldwin; Co-PI: Haley Shea).
Joyce Barnes Farmer Distinguished Guest Professorship grant for funds to support a visit from Dr. James Prochaska to Miami University (2020), funded by Miami University, College of Education, Health and Society, $10,000.00.
Role: Principal Investigator.
Grant for funds to support the project Developing and validating an instrument to evaluate behavioral antecedents tailored to the Full Plate Living Weight Loss Program (2018-2020), funded by the Ardmore Institute of Health, $49,852.00.
Role: Principal Investigator.
Editor-in Chief: Health Behavior Research Editorial Board Membership: Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Health Education Journal