Sean Newsome
Professional Experience
Birmingham Michigan School District; School Social Worker
Boysville of Michigan; Treatment Coordinator and House Coordinator
W. Sean Newsome, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Family Science and Social Work (FSW) Department at Miami (OH) University. Dr. Newsome received his Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor in 1994; his Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from Wayne State University in 1996 and his Doctorate in Social Work from the Ohio State University (OSU) in 2002. Dr. Newsome’s current research interests and activities include the use of solution focused brief therapy with at-risk adolescents; the impact of school liaisons with low income families and the impact of grandparents raising grandchildren in K – 12 settings.
Graduate Research Sequence; Graduate Social Work Practice
Ph.D. Social Work
B.A. Psychology