CHDLT Associate
Thelma Horn
Ph.D., Michigan State University
M.A., Western Michigan University
B.A., Calvin College
Scholarly Interests
Dr. Horn's primary research focus is to examine if and how the behavior and psychosocial growth of children, adolescents, and young adults in sport and physical activity contexts is affected by significant others (e.g., coaches, parents, teammates) in their social environment.
Recent Publications
Horn, T.S. & Smith, A. (Eds.) (2019). Advances in sport and exercise psychology (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
Goffena, J.D. & Horn, T.S. (2020). The relationship between coach behavior and athlete self-regulated learning. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching.
Horn, T.S., Newton, J.L., & Lox, C. (2021). The self-fulfilling prophecy theory: When coaches' expectations become reality. In J.M. Williams & V. Krane (Eds.), Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance (8th ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill.
Horn, T.S. (2019). Learning to take joy and perceive competence in physical movement: Origins in early childhood. Kinesiology Review, 8(1), 40-47.
Horn, T.S. (2015). Social psychological and developmental perspectives on early sport specialization. Kinesiology Review, 4, 248-266.
Works in Progress (this section should include the following entries)
Mellano, K.T., Horn, T.S., & Mann, M. (in progress). Examining the relationship between coaches' leadership styles and feedback behaviors and changes in collegiate athletes' levels of burnout over a competitive season.
Newton, J., Horn, T.S., Evers, J.& Hengehold, E. (in progress). The effects of school type and athlete status on the self-perceptions of high school females.
Horn, T.S. (in progress). Reflections on a scholarly career in sport and exercise psychology.
Works in Progress
Horn, T.S. & Newton, J.L. (chapter under revision). Developmental perspectives on motivated behavior. In T.S. Horn & A. Smith (Eds.). Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Newton, J., Horn, T.S., Evers, J. & Hengehold, E. (in progress). The effects of school type and athlete status on the self-perceptions of high school females.
Frasher, C., Horn, T.S., & Kovach, M. (in progress). Examining links between organizational leadership culture, emotional intelligence, and motivational orientation in military recruits.
Courses Taught
SLM 272: Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership in Sport Contexts
SLM 4/538: Principles of Effective Coaching
SLM 621: Research Foundations in Kinesiology and Health
SLM 673: Developmental Perspectives on Youth Sport Participation
In the News
Youth Sport Pt. 2 - The Profound Impact of Coaches | Ep 58
On this episode, we continue the conversation around youth sport. This time, by looking at the role that coaches play. And how their feedback and bias and expectations, can have an overwhelming impact on the performance and development of so many young athletes.