Facebook Advertising Topic for Next Knowledge Cafe at Miami University VOA Learning Center
Sep 15, 2016
“A Detailed Look at Facebook Advertising” is the topic of The Knowledge Café at the Miami University Voice of America Learning Center on Tuesday, September 20, beginning at 1 pm.
Guest speaker Joanne Westwood will present three ways to use Facebook advertising to increase your business and a surprising way to use Facebook groups to develop raving fans and provide awesome customer service. Bring your questions and join us for a highly interactive session that will take your business applications of Facebook to the next level.
Westwood was an early adopter of social media. As social media was integrated into marketing strategies, Joanne expanded her agency, Westwood Virtual Associates, to be a full service digital agency for small to medium size businesses.
The Knowledge Café is led by Dr. Susan Baim, Professor of Commerce at Miami University, who created and facilitated the program at Miami University Middletown, drawing over 200 participants each year of the last two years.
The program is patterned after a European concept of “Knowledge Cafes” designed to build a body of collective knowledge on topics of mutual interest. Participants contribute their own expertise to discussions and forums while learning from experts on the topics of interest.
The Knowledge Café sessions cover a range of topics using lectures, guest speakers, panel discussions, group activities and studio workshops. Social media topics include the upcoming Facebook session, and future sessions will cover LinkedIn. Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Google+, Podcasting, YouTube, and analytics measurement to track progress over time.
The Knowledge Café meets at the Miami University Voice of America Learning Center from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Sessions are always free and light refreshments will be provided at no charge to participants.
RSVPs are requested, but not required, and can be made to Dr. Baim at baimsa@miamioh.edu, or by calling (513) 727-3444.
The Knowledge Café is funded by a generous grant from the Dolibois Faculty Development Fund at Miami University.
The Miami University Voice of America Learning Center is located at 7847 VOA Park Drive, at the corner of VOA Park Drive and Cox Road in West Chester.