American Studies
American Studies (AMS) offers interdisciplinary study that explores American culture from multiple perspectives.
The Department of Global and Intercultural Studies can take you into almost any career path, anywhere in the world, in fields as diverse as research, education, health care, museum curation, social work, international development, government, human relations, non-profit management, marketing, or publishing.
The Department of Global and Intercultural Studies (GIC) brings together 5 distinct but interrelated interdisciplinary programs and their associated fields and methods. Our curricula examines the multi-directional movements of people, capital, resources, culture, ideas, and information across regional, national, and continental boundaries in both historical and contemporary contexts. We believe we can better imagine and shape our futures through understanding.
American Studies (AMS) offers interdisciplinary study that explores American culture from multiple perspectives.
The Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) fosters the critical and interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and/or indigeneity in an increasingly interconnected world.
International Studies (ITS) is at its heart an interdisciplinary approach to studying the world.
The Latin American, Latino/a and Caribbean Studies (LAS) explores Latin American and Caribbean cultures, economies, social and political systems, literature, art, music, history, and geography across the hemisphere.
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGS) investigates how our lives are affected by gender race, class, age, sexuality, religion, (dis)ability, gender identity, and nationality.
This multidisciplinary program is for students desiring a broad foundation for understanding and analyzing important issues within an international and multicultural context.
Its flexible curriculum provides a basis for graduate work or careers in government service, international business, academia, tourism, public service, cultural relations, and law.
Overseas study is required as a part of this major.
We offer a group of interdisciplinary minors that provide valuable context for majors from across the university that help students navigate an increasingly interconnected world.
The graduate certificate in Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies is a 12-14 hour program available to graduate students in any field of study across the university.
Its purpose is to enhance a disciplinary graduate degree with a specialization in Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies. Using an interdisciplinary approach, students in this program explore the influence of gender and other social differences on the production and dissemination of knowledge.
Together our programs foster critical self-awareness and engaged global citizenship that supports local diversity and respects individual dignity. Faculty and staff are committed to helping students develop the broad-based intellectual perspectives and the analytical skills necessary to understand, contextualize, and critically engage the opportunities and challenges of our diverse, changing, interdependent world.
Our courses examine global issues and intercultural experiences from a range of perspectives. We seek to promote broad-based, multidimensional, global and intercultural awareness focused on global frameworks and forces in the context of related socio-cultural issues.
We are committed to high-quality teaching, scholarship, and service to enhance students in their personal, civic, and professional roles and to connect faculty and students with constituents both across and outside the university. The department's governance is designed to help fulfill this mission by recognizing the importance of program autonomy and cross-program coordination and collaboration.
Help us prepare the next generation of leaders and global citizens. We have numerous scholarships, grants, and programs accepting contributions from donors like you.