Educational Resources
Environmental education encompasses knowledge from a variety of fields and disciplines, including the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. As such, there are many sources that provide information about environmental topics and issues. In the links shown here, we've included a broad sampling of state, regional, and local organizations.

Created by John Farmer, a master teacher with Cincinnati's Forest Hills School District, Science for Ohio is a unique website with engaging and effective lesson plans for teachers. Take time to explore this wonderful resource!

These links provide additional information about state, regional, and local organizations and environmental topics.
State of Ohio Agencies
- Ohio Department of Development
- Ohio Department of Natural Resources
- Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
County Agencies of Southwest Ohio
Environmental Services
- Butler County Department of Environmental Services
- Clermont County Office of Environmental Quality
- Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services
- Greene County Department of Environmental Services
Stormwater Management Agencies
- Butler County Stormwater District
- Clermont County Stormwater Management
- Warren County Stormwater District
Ohio State University Extension Service Offices
Soil and Water Conservation Districts

These links provide information about local, regional, and state environmental organizations.
- Audubon Miami Valley (Butler and Preble Counties)
- Audubon Ohio
- Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati
- Environmental Education Council of Ohio
- Environmental Mobile Unit
- Greater Cincinnati Environmental Educators
- Green Acres Foundation
- Leave No Child Indoors of Greater Cincinnati
- Ohio River Foundation

The links below provide information on a variety of environmental topics.
Agriculture and Food
- American Farmland Trust
- Farm to School
- Local Harvest – list of local sources of food
- Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
- Slow Food Foundation
- FoodPrint
- United States Department of Agriculture
Alternative Energy (Also check Solar, Wind, and Geothermal)
Climate Change
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
Energy Efficiency
- Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency
- Energystar (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy)
Food Issues
Footprint and Energy Use Calculators
Geothermal Energy
Green Building
- LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) U.S. Green Builders Association
- LEED Design Links to Green Schools and Green Homes
- Low Impact Development (includes green roofs)
Green Roofs
Native Plants and Habitats
- National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat
- Native Plants of Ohio – OSU Extension Bulletin
- Ohio State University Fact Sheets – Native Plants
- Greater Cincinnati Chapter
Native Plant Sources
Public Transportation
- American Public Transportation Authority
- Southwest Ohio Regional Transportation Authority
- US Department of Transportation
Rain Gardens
- 10,000 Rain Gardens
- Rain Garden Alliance – Millcreek Watershed Council of Communities
- The Rain Garden Network
Schoolyard Gardens
Solid Waste
- Greater Ohio – Ohio’s Smartgrowth Organization
- OSU Exurban Change Program
- Smart Growth America
- New Urbanism (also includes global warming tab)
Wind Energy
General or Multiple Topics
- O.S.U. College of Food Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (includes extension bulletins, fact sheets, and environmental newsletter)