Auditions for Fall 2022 Theatre Productions
Miami University Theatre invites students to audition for fall 2022 productions. Angel's Trumpet seeks four actors, two male-presenting and two female-presenting. The play focuses on the relationship between Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald as they meet with Zelda's psychiatrist. While the psychiatrist attempts to mediate, the couple square off against each other using as weapons the events of their past, present, and eventually their projected future. The play will be performed October 26-30.

Miami University Theatre invites students to audition for fall 2022 productions.
Angel's Trumpet seeks four actors, two male-presenting and two female-presenting. The play focuses on the relationship between Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald as they meet with Zelda's psychiatrist. While the psychiatrist attempts to mediate, the couple square off against each other using as weapons the events of their past, present, and eventually their projected future. The play will be performed October 26-30.
Auditions will be held Wednesday, August 31, 7-11 p.m. in Studio 88, Center for the Performing Arts. Interested students should fill out an audition form for Angel's Trumpet, sign up for an audition time, and prepare a contemporary dramatic monologue no longer than two minutes. Call backs will take place Thursday, October 1, 6-10 p.m. For more information, contact stage manager Delaney Wilson.
Dancers and actors with movement skills are invited to audition for Miami Moves, a collection of movement pieces created and choreographed by Miami students. Miami Moves will be presented November 16-20.
Auditions will be held Monday, August 29, 7-10 p.m. and will consist of a warm up, a contemporary combination, and a musical theatre/jazz combination that will be taught at the audition. Students may also prepare and show any type of movement that demonstrates movement vocabulary, up to thirty seconds in length. Those interested should fill out an audition form for Miami Moves, and come to Gates-Abegglen Theatre at the audition time. For more information, contact stage manager Lauren Lewis.
Students cast in Angel's Trumpet will earn an experiential learning credit, THE 200A. Those cast in Miami Moves may earn THE200A (theatre practicum) credit or THE271 credit (dance practicum) depending on the number of pieces they are involved with.
Miami University Theatre productions are open to any Miami student. We encourage students of any race, gender, body type, physical ability, gender representation, and experience in theatre to audition. We believe that theatre is for everyone!
Complete casting notices and specifics about time commitments can be found by following the "audition" button at Those interested in working on technical crews can follow the "work backstage" button at the same address.