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Engineering Management - Electronics and Computing Concentration

The Electronics and Computing concentration curriculum provides a foundation in electrical and computer engineering while developing the skills necessary to manage the development of products, including computers and other electronics. Graduates can have an impact on the needs of a global society whose reliance on electronics and computing is ever-increasing.

Electronics and Computing Concentration


Complete all of the following:
  • CSE 174 Fund of Programming and Problem Solving (3)
  • ECE 205 Electric Circuit Analysis I (4)
  • ECE 287 Digital Systems Design (4)
  • ECE 304 Electronics (3)
  • ECE 306 Signals and Systems (3)
    • ECE 345 Applied Prob and Statistics for Engineers (3)
    • or STA 301 Applied Statistics (3)
    • or STA 261 Statistics (4)
  • ECE 387 or ECE 484 Embedded Systems Design (3-4)
  • ECE or CSE 448/449 Senior Design Project (2, 2) KiA/EL
  • MTH 222 Intro to Linear Algebra (3)
    • or MTH 231 Elements of Discrete Math (3)
  • MTH 245 Differential Equations for Engineers (3)
    • or MTH 246 Lin Alg and Diff Eqns for Engineers (4)
    • or MTH 347 Differential Equations (3)
Select at least 9 hours of electives from any 200 level or higher CSE course:
  • CSE 201 Intro to Software Engineering (3)
  • CSE 211 Software Construction (3)
  • CSE 212 Software Engineering for User Interface
  • and User Experience Design (3)
  • CSE 252 Web Application Programming (3)
  • CSE 271 Object-Oriented Programming (3)
  • CSE 273 Optimization Modeling (3)
  • CSE 274 Data Abstraction and Data Structures (3)
  • CSE 278 Systems I: Introduction to Systems Programming (3)
  • Any 300-level or higher CSE course
  • MTH 252 Calculus III (4)

University and Divisional Requirements

A minimum of 124 credit hours is required for graduation from Miami University. Total hours vary by concentration.

Double Majors

Students with two majors in the College of Engineering and Computing must take a minimum of 15 different/additional credit hours in their second major beyond the requirements of their first major.

Credit/No-Credit Requirement

All courses in chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics, statistics, the business core and entrepreneurship, and those in the College of Engineering and Computing (CPB, CSE, ECE, MME, EGM, CEC) that are used to fulfill requirements of the major, must be taken for a letter grade.

Intercultural Perspectives

The Miami Plan Intercultural Perspectives Requirement is fulfilled by completing three hours in an approved Intercultural Perspectives course. This course cannot count as a Miami Plan Foundation course. A list of courses that currently meet this requirement can be found at:

Experiential Learning

The Miami Plan Experiential Learning Requirement carries no specific credit hour minimum and can be fulfilled by coursework, service learning, independent study, internships, student teaching, performance or portfolio projects. Any senior design capstone sequence in the College of Engineering and Computing meets the Experiential Learning requirement: CPB 471 and 472; CSE 448 and 449; ECE 448 and 449; MME 448 and 449.

All concentrations

At least nine credit hours from three different subject areas must be Signature Inquiry (SI)

courses. Courses with SI designations may include courses in your program, major, or the Miami Plan Perspective Areas (PA). CEC 111 and CEC 112 fulfill four of the nine required credit hours in one subject area ("CEC").

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For more information

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Room 260 Garland Hall


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Garland Hall, Room 260
650 E. High Street
Oxford, OH 45056