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Student of Concern Reporting

Reporting a Student of Concern

Are you a student?

To ensure that students have a way to share their concerns about a friend or themselves, the Office of the Dean of Students has a form for you to provide referral information to our office. When the form is submitted, you and/or the person you share a concern about will receive outreach.

Are you a faculty, staff, community, or family member?

Whether you are a faculty or staff member, a community member, or a family member, you are a critical part of supporting students. If you have a student who has demonstrated concerning behavior or significant changes in behavior, please submit this form to let us know and it will be reviewed for outreach and support.

When to Report

Significant distress disrupts you or your friends’ ability to…

  • Work (academic or employment)
  • Engage in relationships
  • Complete routine activities

Common signs of distress you may observe 

  1. Changes in school performance
  2. Excessive lingering
  3. Disruptive or “strange” behavior
  4. Changes in speech—very fast or very low energy
  5. Confusing comments or stories
  6. Marked intolerance for differences or prejudice
  7. Inappropriate interactions (through email, by phone, or in person)
  8. Changes in overall energy level
  9. Mood changes
  10. Physical appearance/hygiene concerns
  11. Repeated or severe signs of substance misuse
  12. Severe sleep disturbance
  13. Self-report of distress or crisis
  14. Expressed intent to harm self or others

If signs are recognized, it may be time to have a conversation with yourself or friends. Please remember:

  • Asking questions demonstrates caring
  • Trust your intuition, err in favor of asking
  • Be prepared to hear a student’s story
    • Save time for this
    • Some privacy

When inquiry confirms your concerns, "help” may be in form of:

  • Further discussions with you...
    • If you feel comfortable in a helping role with this student.
    • If you feel prepared, capable of helping with their issue. 
  • Referral to someone/office better trained and prepared to meet the student’s needs.

When to Refer

  1. The problem feels too much for you to deal with.
  2. You don’t feel you will be of help to them.
  3. The student seems hesitant to talk with you about it.
  4. The student asks for a referral.


For urgent situations, including concerns about a missing student, call MUPD (513-529-2222).

*When in doubt, call MUPD (513-529-2222).

Front of Warfield Hall with pick flowers.
Contact Us

Dean of Students

110 Warfield Hall, 451 E. Spring St.
Oxford, OH 45056
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
513-529-1877 Directions