Empowering Narratives: Kelli Rushek Explores the Fearless Journey of Early Career Teachers of Color in ELA Classrooms
Empowering Narratives: Kelli Rushek Explores the Fearless Journey of Early Career Teachers of Color in ELA Classrooms
Kelli Rushek, Assistant Professor of English Education, has a newly published manuscript with colleagues. This latest publication sheds light on the transformative journey of Nora, an Asian American Early Career Teacher (ECT) in the Midwest, navigating English Language Arts (ELA) classrooms. Employing narrative inquiry and Fisher's Critical Integral Pedagogy of Fearlessness, the study unveils Nora's recursive cycles of fear, courage, and fearlessness in her pursuit of becoming a critical pedagogue. The findings challenge prevailing notions about ECT agency, particularly for teachers of Color, emphasizing their pivotal role in pushing back against systemic inequities in education.
Rushek, K.A.; Vlach, S.K.; Phan, T. (2023) Experiencing the cycles of love in teaching: the praxis of an early career Asian American ELA teacher. English Teaching: Practice and Critique.