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Plaques and Awards

Are you in need of a plaque, trophy or special award? Crown Trophy and Triangle Sign Company are local vendors that can help with your needs. Please reach out to one of the vendors below to get started.

CROWN TROPHY of Cincinnati

"America's Largest Awards Supplier"

3508 W. Galbraith Rd.

Cincinnati, OH 45239

Phone: 513-931-5500



Triangle Sign Company

221 North B Street

Hamilton, OH 45013

Phone: 513-863-2578


Finance and Business Services Marketing

Address: Demske Support Center
426 Wells Mill Drive Oxford, OH 45056

Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Finance and Business Services Marketing at Miami University offers a comprehensive solution for on-campus digital advertisement needs along with a print center to provide departments with a diverse range of marketing collateral.