Risk Management and Insurance
Miami University participates in the Inter-University Counsel Insurance Consortium (IUC-IC). This consortium was formed to coordinate the purchase of property and liability insurance for many of Ohio 's public universities. Participating in a pooled insurance arrangement allows the institutions to achieve together—through collaboration and cooperation—what institutions may be unable to achieve alone.
Risk Management Department
- Direction for the mitigation of university risks
- Oversight of the University's property and casualty insurance programs
- Certificates of Insurance to meet contractual obligations
- Driver training and insurability checks
- Third- party claims resolution
- Allocation of insurance premiums and claims costs
Covers direct physical loss of or damage to all real and personal property not otherwise excluded in which the university has an insurable interest and the cause of which is the result of an insured peril. The University deductible is $100,000. The policy deductible is $5,000 for Oxford E & G departments and $100,000 for auxiliaries and regionals campuses.
Losses due to the failure of building systems for Oxford E & G buildings, such as losses due to broken water pipes, are fully covered and have no departmental deductible.
Privately owned property (camera, cell phone, laptop, picture frame, pen set, desk top, furniture, etc.) used or stored on University premises is the responsibility of its owner unless the property is required as a condition of employment. The University typically leaves decisions about the appropriateness of storing such items in an employee's workspace up to the individual departments but it is important that faculty and staff understand that these items are not covered under the University's insurance and they cannot be reimbursed if the property is stolen or damaged. Basic homeowners or renters insurance policies do not always cover personal property stored at one's work place. Employees should check with their insurance carrier to determine the extent of their coverage. Requests for reimbursement or new purchases to repair/replace personal items will not be approved under the Miami University insurance program.
Auto Liability
Provides bodily injury and property damage liability protection for damages resulting from the ownership, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of a University owned or covered vehicle. The premium payments for this insurance are charged to the departments.
Please note: In the event a faculty/staff/student elects to drive their own vehicle while on university business and is involved in an accident, the faculty/staff/student's personal auto insurance must respond. The University's policy will only provide excess coverage above the faculty/staff/student's auto liability policy limits and does not cover damage to the personal vehicle.
Commercial General Liability
Provides general liability protection, subject to varying terms, conditions and limits for bodily injury and property damage liability, personal injury liability, advertising injury liability and medical expenses. Policy deductible is $5,000 for Oxford E&G departments and $100,000 for auxiliaries and regionals campuses.
Educators Legal Liability
Provides coverage for damages resulting from alleged wrongful acts, errors or omissions for which the university is legally obligated to pay on account of any claim brought against them not otherwise excluded under the policy. Policy deductible is $5,000 for Oxford E&G departments and $100,000 for auxiliaries and regionals campuses.
Foreign Liability
Protects against general liability exposures, including automobile exposures, occurring outside the United States, its territories and possessions, Puerto Rico and Canada. Miami requires that the minimum required liability and property damage insurance must be purchased for all international vehicle rentals. The University's foreign liability will then be secondary coverage.
Travel to countries with Active Sanctions Programs as established by OFAC is not covered by our Foreign Liability insurance.
Travel to Cuba requires a signed affidavit for insurance coverage.
Travel to countries under a Risk Level 4 Travel Advisory as established by the US Department of State is restricted by university policy.
Additional travel insurance can be secured through Global Initiatives (513-529-8600). Other services are available which provide emergency services to employees traveling overseas on University sponsored business.
Umbrella Excess Liability
This insuring agreement provides additional liability protection for bodily injury and property damage beyond that covered by the institution's basic underlying insurance. Deductibles are not affected by this policy.
Student Event Liability (Sports General Liability)
This insuring agreement provides liability and protection for bodily injury and property damage for basic student events. Non-covered activities are detailed on the Event Form on the Hub. Supplemental insurance may be required to be obtained by the student organization.
Student Internship and Practicum Coverage
Students participating in university-sponsored internship and practicum programs are covered under the University’s General Liability policy, and Healthcare Professional Liability policy for those in Allied Health professions, while operating within the scope of their professional and educational duties.
The General Liability policy evidences $5,000,000 in coverage for each occurrence, with a $5,000,000 annual aggregate.
The Healthcare Professional Liability policy provides $1,000,000 in coverage for each medical incident per member, with a $3,000,000 aggregate per member, per year.
Students are also covered for $5,000,000 each incident in Automobile Liability coverage. This is primary coverage when driving a university-owned vehicle. This coverage is secondary to the owner’s coverage when driving a vehicle owned by the training facility. When driving a personal vehicle for work or educational duties, the personal insurance of the vehicle owner is primary.
This coverage is in effect for all students participating in a university-sponsored internship or practicum any time throughout the academic program, as defined through written agreement, and coverage is not limited only to the internship/practicum course semester.
Many clinical training facilities require evidence of coverage before students can participate. Please share with these facilities Miami University's evidence of insurance.

Finance and Business Services
218 Roudebush Hall501 E. High St.
Oxford, OH 45056 vpfinancebusiness@MiamiOH.edu 513-529-4226 Signature Authorities Workday Submit a Lean Idea Vehicle Rental