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Campus Announcements

The Wrap-Up: November 2021

Authors, accolades and achievements by Miami staff and faculty, November 2021.

Campus Announcements

The Wrap-Up: November 2021

Ann Haley MacKenzie, associate professor of Teacher Education, has been named an Extraordinary Professor for the Self-Directed Learning Research Center at North West University (NWU) in South Africa.

Miami University's office of residence life (ORL) sent a large delegation of professional staff to the great lakes association of college and university housing officers (GLACUHO) conference in late October. During the conference, Miami professionals received several awards and recognitions.

Phil Smith, assistant professor of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health, will be an expert reviewer for an upcoming U.S. Surgeon General's Report, which focuses on tobacco use among people with mental health and substance use disorders. Smith will be reviewing a chapter on population-based policy strategies aimed at better supporting the well-being of this vulnerable group.

The College of Engineering and Computing’s Stryker Day connected with nearly 900 students in the classroom and hundreds more during the Innovation Fair. 

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